Shavuot, Bamidbar & Naso: Removing Finite Consciousness
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  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
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  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Изучение нашей души с помощью натальной карты помогает увидеть больше смысла и лучше понять то, с чем мы сталкиваемся, людей, которых мы знаем, работу, которую мы делаем, и сделать выбор на жизненном пути.

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Персонализированное руководство - услуги Каббала Центра

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Зоар класс с Эйтаном Ярдени
2006 и Перед

Shavuot, Bamidbar & Naso: Removing Finite Consciousness

Опубликовано: Декабрь 10, 2013
Записано: Май 11, 2004

Нравится 5 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • The wedding of Zeir Anpin and Malchut: the union of the ninety-nine percent and the one percent
  • The revelation at Mount Sinai was a total union between Zeir Anpin and Malchut 
  • Immortality is the elimination of chaos, disorder and pain
  • Creating a vessel before the wedding and the Omer
  • Participating in Shavuot guarantees four months of Immortality until Rosh Hashanah
  • Face is a code for consciousness: diminishing of faces means the lowering of consciousness
  • Bamidbar or “in the desert” is a code for cleansing prior to enlightenment
  • Removing the force of limitation from our life and the counting of the Israelites 
  • Blessing is continuity: the letter bet and no beginning and no end
  • Controlling the finite energy of physicality and blessings over food
  • Seeing that we are a part of a bigger picture
  • Eliminating the illusion of time and space
  • Morning Connection (Shacharit), Afternoon Connection (Mincha) and Evening Connection (Arvit)
  • The angel of death has more control at night: sleep is 1/60 death
  • Going to sleep before midnight
  • Im Tishkav: connection before sleep that guarantees our soul guaranteeing that it will return to us in the morning
  • Sleep and the force of judgment is related to Rosh Hashanah
  • Waking up with more or less negativity that the day before
  • Connections before sleep in Dialing God: Daily Connection Book (or as an IPhone App)
  • Teshuvah (repentance): returning the One Percent world to the Ninety-Nine Percent world
  • Using Teshuvah to eliminate the space created by the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone
  • Looking at each day like it is our last day
  • Process of Teshuvah:
    1. Feeling the pain of what we have done
    2. Replay what we have done and seeing how we could have acted differently
    3. Commitment to act differently in the future

Описание урока

Join Eitan in this special class as he discusses the holiday of Shavuot and the portions of Bamidbar and Naso.  Bamidbar, meaning "in the desert", prepares the vessel (our consciousness) to receive the Light of Immortality that is revealed on Shavuot.  By understanding how sleep is connected to death and using the tool of teshuvah, we can eliminate the negativity of finite consciousness from our reality.

Об этом курсе

Написанная 2000 лет назад Равом Шимоном Бар Йохаем книга "Зоар" объясняет все тайны Библии, Вселенной и всех аспектов жизни. Занятия по "Зоару" - это еженедельное путешествие к пониманию энергии и проблем, с которыми мы столкнемся в течение недели, и того, как мы можем возвысить наше сознание, чтобы предотвратить хаос в нашей жизни.

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