The Ten Days of Teshuvah & Yom Kippur: True Repentance
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  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Зоар класс с Эйтаном Ярдени

The Ten Days of Teshuvah & Yom Kippur: True Repentance

Опубликовано: Декабрь 12, 2013
Записано: Сентябрь 13, 2010

Нравится 7 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • The Creator created Teshuvah (Repentance) before creating humanity
  • Life is about falling and rising: without falling we can never get as far as are able
  • Teshuvah is not just about cleansing but helping us get to our next level as well
  • During the Ten Days of Repentance, we cleanse the past and plant the seeds of success  for our new year
  • The three major types of negativity we need to cleanse: negativity we were born with, negativity we create and scars from the negativity of past experiences 
  • Understanding the metaphysical  locks that prevent us from opening the gates to blessings
  • Open our locks and gates according to Rav Ashlag
  • Recognizing the nature of this world is the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone
  • Recognizing the nature of the Light is infinite Desire to Give
  • Recognizing and dealing with the contradiction between our nature and the nature of the Light 
  • The lock preventing us from reaching our blessings is our Desire to Receive
  • Examining our true desires from the perspective of their original purity
  • Restricting the desire to escape the task of breaking the locks
  • Begging for the vision to see the potential of Light behind the gate
  • Recognizing without the negativity these locks represent we could not reach our highest potential
  • Getting excited about our past negativities and feeling a sense of gratitude for them
  • Excitement for the process and on discerning our original desire
  • Transformation from selfishness to sharing is all in the mind
  • The importance of changing our desire from being a receiver to a giver
  • Our responsibility toward redeeming the emotional scars we carry
  • Teshuvah requires a shift in our desire and  a commitment to stop our selfish behavior
  • The Rav defines how we can become a creator rather than a victim
  • Looking at our negativity as a blessing

Описание урока

There is no other time like the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to recreate our lives and the reality we will live in for the coming year! Eitan awakens in us a true appreciation for the many facets of our negativity and how they can lead us to enormous blessings once we learn how to unlock the gates that conceals those blessings. Join us in learning the true meaning of repentance and how to use it to bring us to a bright and better future.

Об этом курсе

Написанная 2000 лет назад Равом Шимоном Бар Йохаем книга "Зоар" объясняет все тайны Библии, Вселенной и всех аспектов жизни. Занятия по "Зоару" - это еженедельное путешествие к пониманию энергии и проблем, с которыми мы столкнемся в течение недели, и того, как мы можем возвысить наше сознание, чтобы предотвратить хаос в нашей жизни.

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