Vayetze: Embracing the Turmoil of Exile
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  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Зоар класс с Эйтаном Ярдени

Vayetze: Embracing the Turmoil of Exile

Опубликовано: Декабрь 12, 2013
Записано: Ноябрь 8, 2010

Нравится 8 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Vayetze means "he left": Jacob leaves his father for a 14 year journey of spiritual study
  • Jacob marries Leah and Rachel and fathers 12 children who become the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel 
  • Jacobs dream of the ladder with angels coming down and going up 
  • Rashi's interpretation and the Zohar explanation of Jacob’s dream 
  • The angels going upwards symbolize redemption and those going downward symbolize exile
  • Both sets of angels are ultimately controlled by the Tetragrammaton 
  • Finding Light in both exile and redemption
  • Jacob learns that he must go against his nature to find all the sparks of Light 
  • Every accomplishment includes both exile and redemption
  • Understanding Galut (exile) and Ge’ulah (redemption)
  • One letter difference between Galut and Ge’ulah: The letter "aleph" represents Light 
  • Discovering that we were in exile when we experience small amounts of redemption 
  • The purpose and use of exile is to build the vessel of craving for Light 
  • Embracing the turmoil of exile in order to build our desire for the Light
  • Fixing our problems is not redemption: True redemption comes from channeling our potential, not allowing chaos to control us and maintaining total certainty 
  • True redemption does not seek to remove pain, it means embracing the good and the bad 
  • Each exile elevates us to the next redemption 
  • Jacob is our role model for learning how to build our resilience to pain for the larger purpose of channeling our true potential 
  • Coming to Kabbalah just to “fix” our problems
  • Giving with 100 percent even when things are not exactly the way we want leads to redemption 
  • Realizing both Light and darkness brings us to the Light

Описание урока

The portion of Vayetze offers us a deeper understanding of the treasures we possess in the midst of our darkest days. By encouraging us to embrace the turmoil and drama of our most difficult challenges, Eitan comforts us with the understanding that these periods of exile are expanding our capacity to experience redemption. Eitan shares secrets that build our consciousness to navigate our way out of every exile, whether emotional, physical or spiritual.

Об этом курсе

Написанная 2000 лет назад Равом Шимоном Бар Йохаем книга "Зоар" объясняет все тайны Библии, Вселенной и всех аспектов жизни. Занятия по "Зоару" - это еженедельное путешествие к пониманию энергии и проблем, с которыми мы столкнемся в течение недели, и того, как мы можем возвысить наше сознание, чтобы предотвратить хаос в нашей жизни.

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