Январь 10, 2014
Апрель 24, 2011
The Seventh Day of Pesach is the time that the splitting of the Red Sea took place. The energy available to us each year allows us to split our personal "Red Sea" or the blockages that prevent us from expressing our true potential. Join Michael as he explains how we can use this opportunity to draw the energy and consciousness of mind over matter into our lives.
While the traditional story of Pesach describes the slavery the Israelites endured in Egypt and exodus, kabbalists understand thaxt the deeply coded story of Pesach contains the keys for all of humanity to connect with the energy of freedom on all levels. Through a 15-step process known as the Seder, Israelites (a code for any person who works to overcome their ego) can remove judgments and overcome the slavery (Egypt) and darkness of their ego (Pharaoh).