Январь 13, 2014
Декабрь 30, 2011
Karen explains the connections between the story of Joseph and his brothers’ time in Egypt with the earlier event of Jacob deceiving Isaac for his birthright (in the portion of Toldot). Jacob, Joseph and the tribes of Israel came into exile in Egypt for the purpose of correcting past negativities. By appreciating our own exile or our own challenges as well as remembering where we came from, we elevate sparks of Light and can transform negativity into blessing.
Мы не можем изменить людей, но можем принять и полюбить их такими, какие они есть. На этой неделе примите отличия в других. Благодаря принятию мы можем ощутить большую гармонию друг с другом и единство с миром.