Январь 16, 2014
Октябрь 17, 2011
Each holiday provides us with a unique opportunity to transform our year. After the intense connections during the month of Libra, Hoshana Raba is our last opportunity to change our movie. While we can still make changes throughout the year, Hoshana Raba is known as the second sealing of the vessel and provides us with the gift of removing negativity from our heart, mind and consciousness to have the sweetest year possible. Join Karen as she reveals how we can make the most of the connection and change the coming year.
Hoshana Raba gives us the ability to hold onto the blessings we draw into our lives during the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. By staying up all night and participating in special reading of the Book of Deuteronomy from the Torah scroll, we can shift our consciousness and block any judgments from coming our way in the year ahead by sealing our spiritual vessel.