The Forehead and Eyebrows
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Palm and Face Reading

The Forehead and Eyebrows

Опубликовано: Февраль 14, 2017
Записано: Декабрь 11, 2016

Нравится 8 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • The face represents our inner structure and source of balance 
  • The forehead: 
    • Showing actions of a person in this or a previous lifetime
    • Chochmah: the Light of wisdom
    • Covering our forehead: keeping our secrets concealed
    • Lines of Chesed (mercy): the horizontal lines on the forehead
    • Lines of Gevurah (judgment): the vertical lines on the forehead
    • Characteristics of people with large, small, narrow, rounded or flat foreheads
    • Characteristics of people whose horizontal forehead lines are crooked, broken or diagonal
  • The forehead can show our addictions:
    • Top forehead line is related to Abraham, Chesed, mercy, and the addiction of idol worship
    • The second line is related to Isaac, Gevurah, judgment, and the addiction of bloodshed
    • The third line is related to Jacob, Tiferet, central column, the addiction of adultery and also represents truth
    • The bottom line is related to King David, Malchut, the addiction of evil speech and also represents correcting our tikun
  • Anything that has been shown to us on our forehead is there for our support
  • The eyebrows play an important role: 
    • The balance of bringing the Light of Chochmah to the face
    • Characteristics of people with straight eyebrows, thick eyebrows, a space between the eyebrows, no eyebrows, connected eyebrows and white eyebrows

Описание урока

The Zohar teaches that our actions in this lifetime and previous lifetimes are shown on the forehead, and that the eyebrows show our patience, thoughtfulness, inner balance and thinking process. Join Benjamin in this enlightening lesson as he describes characteristics as they relate to our forehead and eyebrows.

Об этом курсе

If a map of your life exists, don’t you think you should have it? You do. It is the lines on your palms and the features of your face. This workshop presents you with tools to decipher your life-map. These tools - found in kabbalistic wisdom - will enable you to make the changes necessary to take hold of your destiny and be free from uncertainty and doubt. 

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