Day 4: Mental Well-Being
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30 Days of Virgo Life Audit

Day 4: Mental Well-Being

Опубликовано: Август 1, 2023
Записано: Август 29, 2022

Нравится 42 Коментарии 2 Поделиться

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CLICK HERE to view dates for the 30 Days of Virgo for this year.

For the next three days, we will focus on our mental well-being.

Our thoughts are more powerful than most of us think; they create our reality and influence nearly every aspect of our lives.

There is no sense in allowing our thoughts and feelings of not feeling good enough or worthy enough to dictate our realities.You can stop things happening to you, and start making things happen for you if you awaken your consciousness.

Be brave, be bold and bring your negative beliefs before the light. Identify where your lack of self-worth is limiting you, acknowledge the power this lack presents, shine the light on it and alter the belief to benefit you. This will create a conscious clarity and promise to renew your belief in yourself.

You’ve already taken the first step towards improving your mental well-being, just by taking an honest look at your own thought patterns. From here, we’ll make a plan for how to bring more positivity and health into your thoughts–which will in turn affect every other aspect of your life.

Описание урока

Welcome to day 4 of the 30 days of Virgo Life Audit! For the next three days, we will focus on our mental well-being. Until recently, mental health didn’t get quite the same spotlight as did exercise or diet trends, but thankfully, this has started to change. Science is finally paying more attention to what the kabbalists have all always known: There is an intricate connection between our minds and our bodies. Deepak Chopra compared this connection to “a telephone line–many telephone lines, in fact, teeming with information.” No wonder we experience physical symptoms when we’re unhappy or stressed.

For the next few days, we’ll look at how our thoughts, emotions, and how we think about our lives are affecting the quality of our lives. If you feel ill at ease with something, you are laying the groundwork for dis-ease in other areas of your being. The Zohar teaches that all physical ailments first have a spiritual source, and our consciousness plays a vital role in gatekeeping us from physical illness. That’s why it’s very important to be honest while assessing your current mental landscape!

Today, try to step away from being inside your mind to notice what thoughts are permeating your mental state:

Do you feel relaxed, happy, and at peace with your life?

Or do you feel anxious, fearful, stressed, or ill at ease in any area?

If something’s been bothering you lately, try to pinpoint its source.

Pay special attention to the ways you talk to yourself. Are you loving and supportive? (i.e., You CAN do this… You are strong… You are worthy…) Or do you berate yourself or allow insecurities to creep in?

None of this means we must always be smiling and laughing. Life can sometimes be challenging and messy, and that’s how it’s supposed to be! Spirituality is not about being perfect or never having a bad day; it’s about keeping our bad days in perspective and letting those lows give us insights into areas where we should focus our attention and embrace change.

Remember, the month of Virgo is the most consequential month of the year. The work that we do will influence the type of life we are going to have for the next 12 months! There’s a verse in Isaiah that references how the Light of the Creator gives us a pathway through the ocean.

We are on our way across the path, one day–and one step–at a time.

Об этом курсе

One of the great gifts in studying Kabbalah is that we become more aware of the energies around us. Each day, week, and month has its own unique energy with differing powers that inform us. This month of Virgo is one of the most consequential months of the year, full of the energy of deep transformation. Over the next 30 days, we will assess, evaluate, and rethink 10 of the most important areas of your life. First, we will look at what is working and what isn’t working. I will help you identify your desire – the thing that you really want for that area of your life–not the thing you only think you want, or think you should want, or what others think you should want. From there, you will make your plan. You’ll make it actionable, doable, and motivating. I’m so excited and grateful that you are all joining me on this journey to rethink, reframe, recalibrate, and re-energize your life.

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