Day 5: Improve your mental well-being
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Найдите больше уроков и практик, чтобы изменять себя, свою жизнь и окружающих вас людей. От еженедельных статей и видео до занятий и мероприятий в прямом эфире и в Центре - есть план подписки для каждого.

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  • Включая выгоды:
  • Присоединяйтесь к интерактивным вебинарам каждую неделю
  • Смотреть полный курс по запросу
  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Изучение нашей души с помощью натальной карты помогает увидеть больше смысла и лучше понять то, с чем мы сталкиваемся, людей, которых мы знаем, работу, которую мы делаем, и сделать выбор на жизненном пути.

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Персонализированное руководство - услуги Каббала Центра

Индивидуальные занятия один на один с учителем, чтобы углубиться в интересующую вас область или поддержать там, где вам это нужно больше всего. Темы встреч варьируются от отношений , вашего тиккуна до глубокого изучения Зоара, и все это подбирается специально для вас.

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30 Days of Virgo Life Audit

Day 5: Improve your mental well-being

Опубликовано: Август 1, 2023
Записано: Август 29, 2022

Нравится 36 Коментарии 1 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

CLICK HERE to view dates for the 30 Days of Virgo for this year.

Today is the day to make your plan!

I want you to think about where you’re at in your life. If you had a new set of eyes, a clean slate unbiased by belief systems, painful memories, and the like, how would that change the way you feel about your life and the things you do?

What is the illusion that you think has a hold over you? It may have the title of a disease, eating disorder, labels like silly, clumsy, flaky, weak, or a limit you’ve imposed on yourself, something you’ve decided is impossible. Look at where you’re at and know that you can see, fully and clearly, without distortion or illusion.

Regardless of the plan you are making, I want you to give yourself permission to feel the emotions that you feel, whatever they may be, without repression.

Описание урока

Yesterday I asked you to be more aware of your thoughts and emotions. Today we’ll use those insights to make a plan to improve your well-being.

Our emotions are indicators. They are our inner compass, showing us where we need to pay attention and where change is needed. Instead of rejecting these moods or shutting down when we feel them, we can use emotions like sadness, grief, anger, or regret as signals that we have experienced a significant loss or that it’s time to reevaluate some aspects of our lives. They help us to see and, more importantly, to feel when it’s time to make a new choice.

Of course, kabbalistically, behavior is born of consciousness; we are the sum of our thoughts, which manifest through our words and actions. So while obstacles and challenges will inevitably find us in life, our reactions and perspectives can either make them a friend or an enemy. Ultimately, we can choose how to frame what is happening and how we feel about it, and having a positive mindset will ultimately help us navigate our challenges better.

Yesterday, I asked you to assess your mental well-being in light of what is working for you and what is not serving you.

Now it’s time to create a list of ways to bring more peace, happiness, and mental well-being into your life.

  1. What do you want to begin or do more of? Consider thoughts or behaviors that will improve your well-being, such as a personal mantra, a new commitment to meditation, or daily journaling. Is there anything else you know you can do to help your mental health?
  2. What do you want to do less of or stop altogether? Perhaps it is a recurring critique you give yourself or a chronically pessimistic attitude about a coworker or relative. Or maybe it’s an unhealthy habit you run to when you feel a certain way.

What are the two top health priorities you want to start working on TODAY?

As with your physical health goals, make sure your mental health goals are specific, manageable, and doable–and that you really want to make them.

And never underestimate the power of support systems to help you stay on track! Your support network may include a trusted therapist, a family member, or a friend you feel comfortable sharing with.

I am a huge advocate for removing the stigma around mental health issues. The more we can open up about them, the more we can support one another in overcoming them!

Place your goals somewhere where you will see them every day.

Об этом курсе

One of the great gifts in studying Kabbalah is that we become more aware of the energies around us. Each day, week, and month has its own unique energy with differing powers that inform us. This month of Virgo is one of the most consequential months of the year, full of the energy of deep transformation. Over the next 30 days, we will assess, evaluate, and rethink 10 of the most important areas of your life. First, we will look at what is working and what isn’t working. I will help you identify your desire – the thing that you really want for that area of your life–not the thing you only think you want, or think you should want, or what others think you should want. From there, you will make your plan. You’ll make it actionable, doable, and motivating. I’m so excited and grateful that you are all joining me on this journey to rethink, reframe, recalibrate, and re-energize your life.

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