Decoding Our Spiritual DNA
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The 72 Names of God

Decoding Our Spiritual DNA

Опубликовано: Январь 12, 2021
Записано: Июнь 24, 2020

Нравится 76 Коментарии 6 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • The miracle of the parting of the Red Sea was first released in the portion Beshalach of the Zohar, revealing the 72 Names of God
  • Miracles occur when we use spiritual tools such as the 72 Names of God, in addition to our physical effort to transform our reactive nature
  • The 72 Names of God contain the three column system
  • The energy of the 72 Names of God gives vitality to our entire being
  • It is highly recommended to scan and meditate on the 72 Names of God everyday
  • Each combination has specific energy that gives us the strength to overcome challenges
  • There is always a solution, even in the darkest times when everything seems lost
  • Everything that happens in our life it is as it should be, and it is always filled with great mercy
  • Understanding that everything is always good because it comes from the Light

Описание урока

This lesson explains that the Hebrew letters are openings of Light, building blocks that are part of our spiritual DNA. These powerful energy channels are coded in the chart of the 72 Names of God. Here, Rachel Madar explores in depth how the 72 Names of God were formatted, and how they help us create miracles in life.

Об этом курсе

The 72 Names of God are not “names” in an ordinary sense. They represent a connection to the infinite spiritual current that flows through our realities. The ancient kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yochai wrote in the Zohar that it was Moses, not the Creator, who parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to narrowly escape Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. In order to accomplish this miracle, Moses combined the power of certainty with the formula of the 72 Names, giving him access to a higher cosmic power. This course delves deep into kabbalistic wisdom, helping us understand the origin, purpose, and power of the 72 Names of God to awaken the tremendous Light we all hold within ourselves.

Учителя курса

Коментарии 6