Lesson 2: Are You a Builder or a Destroyer
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Персонализированное руководство - услуги Каббала Центра

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Kabbalah 4

Lesson 2: Are You a Builder or a Destroyer

Опубликовано: Ноябрь 4, 2024
Записано: Январь 19, 2021

Нравится 20 Коментарии 2 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Observing our behavior when challenges appear; are we pursuing to be acknowledged or to create peace?
  • Are we focusing on getting all the results for our benefit, regardless of the harm to others?
  • Are we driven by kindness or stubborness?
  • Elevation and building
  • Chesed refers to Mercy, desire to help, compassion
  • Truth does not always aligns with Chesed (mercy, love, kindness, and desire to share)
  • Doing things our way without using principles of truth with mercy
  • Seeking how to build and strengthen our relationships
  • Awakening great love in the world, that’s our purpose and the purpose of the Kabbalah Centre, elevating kindness
  • The purpose of life is to help us raise the builder within us instead of the destroyer
  • Transforming our negative tendencies
  • Looking within all the time and choosing to elevate the situation into an energy of mercy and kindness

Описание урока

In this lesson, Eitan shares from the writings of Rav Ashlag, and explains how each of us has attributes of builders and destroyers. We learn to balance both energies through the application of the wisdom of Kabbalah in our daily ives.

Recommended book: On World Peace by Rav Yehuda Ashlag

Об этом курсе

10 Week Course, new lessons added weekly! | Every week comes with its own unique set of gifts, and if we are aware of the kind of energy available, we can see any obstacle as a gift to help us take a spiritual leap in our journey. In Kabbalah 4, we come together to share weekly inspiration on how to focus our thoughts and consciousness in order to grab the opportunities that come our way and plant a positive seed for the week to come. Join us as we delve into a variety of advanced kabbalistic teachings, and the works of great kabbalists such as the Ari, Rav Ashlag and Rav Berg. Discover how applying this wisdom to your daily life, relationships, and general interactions brings you to a higher level of joy and fulfillment.

Учителя курса

Коментарии 2