Three Steps to Loving
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Practical Kabbalah

Three Steps to Loving

Опубликовано: Февраль 22, 2018
Записано: Январь 3, 2018

Нравится 33 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Examining our intention behind every word and action
  • Enjoying our life when things go well and when things go bad
  • Building our vessel means working on ourselves
  • The purpose of restricting our negative and reactive nature is becoming like the Light
  • Three Steps to Loving by Rav Ashlag 
    • It begins with desire 
    • Entering a relationship
    • Getting disappointed: an opportunity to activate true care
  • King Solomon said in Proverbs, “We can change all we want but cannot have a better life until our intention is about the Light”
  • Love has no attachment to receiving
  • Giving means being builders not destroyers
  • The opponent makes us think only about ourselves
  • Desiring to be like the Light when we get disappointed
  • There is nothing harder than a relationship because it hits you at the core of your tikun
  • To be happy in this world, we have to have the vessel to hold happiness
  • Blaming others breaks our vessel, so blessings cannot manifest
  • Only through free will of correcting we can truly do it

Описание урока

David Ghiyam explains that unless there is a relationship with the Light, we will be pursuing external options to fulfill our emptiness. A practical way of inviting the Light into our lives is constantly asking the Light for help to grow, transform, and earn our blessings. In this lesson, David shares Three Steps to Loving as taught by master kabbalist Rav Ashlag.

Об этом курсе

As we strive to live the teachings of Kabbalah as a spiritual path, we can fall into the trappings of learning without putting effort into our spiritual work of transforming our nature. When we become complacent, we stop seeing the results and miracles we are working to create. In Practical Kabbalah, David Ghiyam teaches a practical approach to personal transformation using kabbalistic tools and windows in time that, with consistent effort, can assist us in experiencing change and greater fulfillment in three major areas of life; relationships, health and finances.

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