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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Kabbalistic Astrology Panel
Expanding Into Your True Self

Personal Transformation & Collective Change

Опубликовано: Май 3, 2022
Записано: Апрель 24, 2022

Нравится 10 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Michael:
    • Welcome
    • Pushing ourselves to new levels of consciousness
    • Breaking through the barriers of our logical mind.
  • Ruth:
    • Lunar and solar eclipses: influencing us emotionally.
    • Asking ourselves, "What do we need to let go of in order to be our truest self?"
  • Yael:
    • The square between Saturn and Uranus
    • Affecting change in government and leadership.
    • Being mindful of social media
    • Uranus in Taurus historically
    • Being pushed into growth and becoming the best version of ourselves
  • Rachel:
    • Jupiter amplifies
    • The south node in Scorpio and the north node in Taurus
    • Opening our hearts, connecting to spirituality and caring for others with empathy
    • Receiving the desire of the Light
  • Amir:
    • Canceling negative decrees from past lives
    • Restricting anger
    • Showing mercy and kindness to others and creating protection
    • A revolution of thoughts: times in history that mirror the position of the planets now
    • Not confronting others and joining the "army of Light"
  • Michal:
    • Shifting our perspective during Mercury retrograde
    • Relishing in the details in the month of Taurus
    • Bringing a higher purpose to our love life
    • Historical events when Mars and Jupiter were conjunct in Aries

Описание урока

Join Michael Berg and our panel of kabbalistic astrologers Yael Yardeni, Ruth Nahmias, Rachel Itic, Amir Michael Rehan and Michal Donna as they reveal how the alignment of the planets can influence us on a personal and global level. We receive tools to assist us in gaining clarity about the true value of life and our soul's purpose on earth.

Об этом курсе

We are about to enter a cosmic time period in which our belief systems and level of trust will be tested. But it is also a time when we get to the bottom of who we are, in order to find our true power. Knowing what we are about to experience can help us prepare and harness the energy so we can manifest the new beginnings available to us. Join us for an informative and insightful Kabbalistic Astrology Panel, with The Kabbalah Centre’s astrologers from around the globe. Together, they will discuss many of the cosmic events occurring this Spring 2022, including the impact of the upcoming solar eclipse, how it can influence us during the New Moon of Taurus, and Jupiter's expansive impact. Don’t miss this powerful gathering to help you prepare for the tremendous period of transformation ahead.

Учителя курса
