Декабрь 20, 2019
Декабрь 17, 1987
Rav Berg reveals that only after resisting the temptations of Potifar’s wife did the Biblical figure of Joseph become a tzadik (righteous individual). Whereas most of us give in to the illusionary realm of life’s ups-and-downs, the Rav explains that tzadikim see and remain connected to their purpose through every process. As the chariot for the Sefirah of Yesod, Joseph the Righteous helps us maintain this consciousness and see the good in every challenge
Лекции из архива Каббала-Центра - это возможность познакомиться с ключевыми учениями Рава Берга по широкому кругу вопросов, включая недельные главы, новолуние, праздники и многое другое!