Sarah & Hagar: Uniting Humanity
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Strong Women

Sarah & Hagar: Uniting Humanity

Опубликовано: Март 15, 2021
Записано: Ноябрь 4, 2020

Нравится 27 Коментарии 6 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Stories of the Bible: codes not meant to be taken literally
  • Sarah: gifted with Divine Inspiration, prophesy and beauty
  • True beauty is a result of spiritual beauty
  • Avraham and Sarah: male and female aspects of Chesed, mercy
  • Receiving astrological readings for understanding our tikkun, correction process
  • Looking down at the stars: creating our reality
  • The danger of judging others
  • How overcoming challenges can bring us to a higher level of consciousness
  • Being visited by angels
  • The binding of Isaac: a code for restriction
  • Isaac and Ishmael: two sides of left column energy
  • Chayei Sarah:
    • the only Torah portion named after a woman
    • Light of the Shechinah
    • embodiment of humility
    • imbuing others with the spirit of righteousness
  • Hagar: nothing is as it seems
  • The 3 column system and the 2 column system
  • Stories meant to unite humanity
  • The power of a name:
    • DNA of our soul
    • naming children
    • changing our name
    • The name Batya

Описание урока

Join Batya as she shares stories and secrets about two strong women, Sarah and Hagar, the wives of Abraham the Patriarch. As we delve beyond the literal translation of these stories, we can find the metaphysical energy that is meant to unite all of humanity.

Об этом курсе

Historically and biblically, the Matriarchs were the leaders of their families, seeds of energy for the next generations, and channels of Light for the world. What can these powerful matrons teach us about our lives as women today? According to Kabbalah, each woman is a unique vessel capable of revealing tremendous Light. Learning and connecting to the energy of the Matriarchs can help us find our unique way of bringing Light into this world. Join us for an uplifting course as we delve into the lives and teachings of the Matriarchs, using their energy to discover and share our own inner Light.

Учителя курса

Коментарии 6