Bringing a Wave of Healing to the World
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Shabbat Consciousness

Bringing a Wave of Healing to the World

Опубликовано: Апрель 13, 2023
Записано: Март 25, 2023

Нравится 29 Коментарии 3 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • A secret shared by the Baal Shem Tov on the healing energy contained within the first few words of this portion, "Vayikra El Moshe" The Creator calls out to Moses
  • Only sharing a need of healing with those who love us
  • Why a person becomes in need of healing spiritually and the purpose of visiting them
  • Elevating to the 50th Gate of Binah
  • Spiritual benefits can come from the challenges of the healing process: determining if it is the right time for assisting a person in need by asking them if they are enjoying and embracing the process
  • Steps for awakening spiritual healing (see lesson handout):
    1. Meditate on the 72 Name, Yud-Lamed-Yud, Recapturing the Sparks
    2. Say to the person, "Hav Li Yedach", Give me your hand, and hold the person's right hand
    3. Say, "Yehav Lei Yadei", He gave him his hand, and meditate on the 72 Name, Yud-Lamed-Yud
    4. Say, "Ve'okmeih", And he raised him up, and the person in need of healing should stand up if they can
  • Elevating our consciousness and intensifying our concentration of meditation
  • The small aleph in Vayikra: the bridge to awakening healing

Описание урока

Michael explains why people become spiritually in need of healing and shares a powerful meditation that can bring healing to those in need. He envisions that we all start using this formula for bringing a wave of healing to the world.

Об этом курсе

The two spiritual forces that dictate our lives are Light – or sharing – and Ego – or desire to receive only for ourselves. The more our ego is present, the less Light we can access. The portion of Vayikra helps us to diminish our ego, so we can strengthen our connection with the Light. Look for opportunities to be humble this week and connect to the Light instead of others’ recognition you otherwise would have received.

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Коментарии 3