What to Expect from 2021: Kabbalistic Astrology Forecast
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  • Включая выгоды:
  • Присоединяйтесь к интерактивным вебинарам каждую неделю
  • Смотреть полный курс по запросу
  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrological Secrets for the Kabbalistic Year to Come

What to Expect from 2021: Kabbalistic Astrology Forecast

Опубликовано: Январь 29, 2021
Записано: Октябрь 29, 2020

Нравится 14 Коментарии 2 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • From the beginning of the year 2021 we as collective are shifting from materialism into a lifestyle of values that show genuine care for everyone
  • Investing in our individual growth and transformation
  • Keywords:
    • Jupiter is about expansion, idealism, righteousness. It rules religion, prosperity, and traveling
    • Saturn is about structure, law, cause and effect, conventionalism, karmic teacher, tradition, government, countries, and population (mortality rates)
    • Uranus is about enlightenment, rebellion, progress, and riots/restlessness
    • Neptune is about spirituality, absence of boundaries, and wholeness
    • Pluto is about rebirth and transformation
    • Jupiter entered the sign of Aquarius
    • Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024
    • Uranus is in Taurus until 2026: material security shakes up (including real estate and assets), the new value is not material or tangible. It is going to be ideas, and creativity
    • Aquarius is about individuality and community, being true to ourselves, being authentic, freedom, revolution, standing out, big thinking, transparency, it requires change, and new laws
    • In Aquarius the previous-normal is not longer, the rules now change so the world can properly function. If governments don’t change, then the people cause the change. 
      • Aquarius is fully a digital era, of redefinition and sense of urgency, definitely non-conventional
      • Time is accelerating
      • Releasing heaviness, declutter, contributing to the overall wellbeing of all
      • It is recommended to protect digital content, as well as implementing strong security systems to prevent cyber attacks

Описание урока

It’s a new year, and Kabbalistic Astrology is a powerful tool to prepare us for all that we will face in these next twelve months. Join Kabbalistic Astrologer and Kabbalah Centre Teacher, Yael Yardeni, for a powerful and insightful astrological forecast that examines what to expect both on a personal and global scale in the year ahead.

Об этом курсе

It’s a new year, and kabbalistic astrology is a powerful tool to prepare us for all that we will face in these next twelve months. Join us for a powerful and insightful astrological forecast on what to expect both on a personal and global scale in the year ahead.

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