What Is Kabbalah?
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Погрузитесь глубже в мудрость каббалы с помощью персонализированного руководства и чтения карт.

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Расшифровка каббалистической астрокарты

Изучение нашей души с помощью натальной карты помогает увидеть больше смысла и лучше понять то, с чем мы сталкиваемся, людей, которых мы знаем, работу, которую мы делаем, и сделать выбор на жизненном пути.

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Персонализированное руководство - услуги Каббала Центра

Индивидуальные занятия один на один с учителем, чтобы углубиться в интересующую вас область или поддержать там, где вам это нужно больше всего. Темы встреч варьируются от отношений , вашего тиккуна до глубокого изучения Зоара, и все это подбирается специально для вас.

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What Is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah is an ancient spiritual wisdom that is over 4,000 years old, and it is meant for absolutely everyone. No matter what your country of origin, gender, religion, or culture, Kabbalah offers insights and practical wisdom that can transform your life.

The literal translation of Kabbalah means “to receive.” Kabbalists teach that every human being was created to receive complete joy and fulfillment.

Kabbalah teaches the individual and the world as a whole how we can improve our lives. We believe at the core of the world’s great religions and spiritual traditions are truths that we call the wisdom of Kabbalah. Our goal at The Kabbalah Centre is to disseminate this wisdom as much as possible to improve not only our individual lives but also the collective and the world as a whole.

Kabbalah is a wisdom to be experienced, not just studied, and that is what makes every person’s experience unique. One of the main universal principles of Kabbalah is that there are no coincidences. Everything has a reason and purpose – including you! How, then, do we find our purpose? How can we know we’re on the path our soul is meant to take? How can we live a life of purpose and meaning? How do we live joyously? Can we all positively impact others, and thereby, the world?

This is Kabbalah.

Understanding and utilizing these teachings help you experience life with the knowledge that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.

Whatever your life aspirations, Kabbalah gives students the opportunity to grow in unprecedented ways, to transform every area of their lives so they can step into their full potential and become the person they were born to be. We are here to fulfill our highest purpose and share that light with others. In doing so, we cultivate a new paradigm of global spirituality through which people of all beliefs and backgrounds can come together in mutual respect, dignity, and love for humanity. That is how we change the world, together.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say


“Kabbalah has given me answers to the why. I have always been spiritual. But the why reinforces everything” (Monica Koch, Florida)

“Kabbalah is a source of strength across many challenges I've had in life. Kabbalah has taught me valuable coping skills and grounding.” (Yvonne Beri, New York)

“The teachings of Kabbalah have helped me understand myself and others better and the tools have helped me change the way I relate. I see things in a more positive way and feel uplifted and at peace.” (Cheryl Fahy, New Mexico)

“Through the study of Kabbalah, I have learned mine and humanities purpose on earth.” (David Miranda, Los Angeles)

“Kabbalah has made me realize there are possibilities that I had previously dismissed. The wisdom is down to earth and practical as well as spiritual; it understands the human condition and works with it.” (Laura McGowen, United Kingdom)


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