Benny Halfon
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Мероприятия & Классы

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Персонализированное руководство - услуги Каббала Центра

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Benny Halfon

When Benny Halfon discovered Kabbalah, he was a successful businessman searching for the deeper meaning of life. He came across The Power of One by Rav Berg and cracked it open with hopes that he would find answers to many of his questions. That book changed the course of his life.  

Born and raised in Israel, Benny spent his early years at the beaches of Haifa.  After graduating from university, his love for computers led him to the cutting edge of hi-tech projects in Israel.  Eventually, he united his passion for the ocean and technology by becoming an IT consultant for Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Centre. On the side he studied holistic healing. 

After reading the words of Kabbalist Rav Berg, Benny realized he had uncovered his deepest passion.  Within the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah he found a method through which he could not only assist in the healing of those around him, but in the world at large.  He began studying at The Kabbalah Centre in Israel. He soon realized that his true calling lay in the study, practice, and sharing of the kabbalistic tools.  

In time, he merged his analytical and healing skills with his knowledge of Kabbalah and began teaching. Over the last 11 years, Benny has taught in San Diego, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis, Miami and currently teaches in México City.

Benny has a talent for applying the complex wisdom of Kabbalah to common problems people face daily.  This endears him to the many whose lives have dramatically improved as a result of studying with him.

Benny and his wife, Yehudit, work tirelessly to share the teachings of Kabbalah.  Their passion is fueled by the knowledge that Kabbalah offers a sure path towards lasting peace.

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