Are You Underestimating Yourself? 3 Tips to Maximize Your Potential
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Are You Underestimating Yourself? 3 Tips to Maximize Your Potential

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
August 22, 2021
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It’s difficult to understand our own potential. Sometimes we underestimate ourselves and thereby limit what we can achieve. Other times, we think our abilities are better than they really are and end up making big mistakes. We tend to see ourselves through a distorted lens and have a warped perception of what we are capable of.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that our souls have unlimited potential and that the only way to lasting happiness is through living our potential. It is at the basic core of our being, and our spiritual work is meant to manifest our potential in the world. We just need to know how to tap into that potential.

Here are 3 tips for manifesting your unlimited potential:

1. Live with the audacity to dream big. As children, we believe we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. We could become a doctor, an astronaut, or President of the United States when we grow up. But at some point, as we get older, we start to put limitations on ourselves. We stop believing that anything is possible and, therefore, grossly underestimate our own potential.

In reality, we have so much untapped potential that we are meant to manifest. Remind yourself every day how much powerful potential you have. Challenge the voice that tells you to settle for what you have because it’s safer or easier. Whenever you feel yourself saying, “I can’t possibly achieve that,” instead ask yourself, “Why not?”

2. Push yourself to take action. Knowing that we have unlimited potential within us is extremely important, but until we start taking action, we are not meeting that potential. Anything that is important for you to become or to do requires action.

We often think that we are who we are and cannot change that, but in reality, we become what we do. Taking action is one of the greatest ways to begin manifesting your potential. It likely won’t go perfectly at first! But as long as you are constantly pushing yourself every day, you are making steps towards transforming your life. It is the effort that matters, not the immediate result.

3. Overstep the limitations you face. “Overstepping” tends to have a negative connotation. We’re often told not to overstep - to stay in our box and not challenge the status quo. But in order to meet our soul’s potential, we must overstep the boundaries that have been set on us. Things people have told us, things we tell ourselves, and things we believe about ourselves all put limitations on our growth. We think, “I can only do this much or go this far.”

When is the last time you can say you overstepped your limitations? Challenge your boundaries until they no longer exist.

So many factors influence the way we think of ourselves: things people say about us, the messages we get from society, the beliefs we hold. When we focus on these signals, it’s easy to get an inflated or deflated ego. But if we focus on dreaming big, pushing ourselves, and overstepping limitations, we can find the ability to expand our boundaries and begin manifesting our great potential.

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