Closer to the Light
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Closer to the Light

Karen Berg
December 29, 2024
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This article was originally published in 2018.

Miracles are not always a large spectacular that everyone can witness on the outside. Sometimes, they are quite small, and they happen inside of you where no one can see. Sometimes a miracle can be seeing a situation in a different way, and simply with this shift in perception, everything else can change. For the man who was once blind and is given sight, life becomes joyful beyond imagination. Yet, we all walk around with the gift of sight and we do not experience his same joy. He perceives from a place of total appreciation what we all may take for granted. His miracle is just a new perception. Beginning to see that the Creator is a part of every moment of our lives is a change of perception and a miracle in itself. The process of becoming “in-lightened” is to move closer to the Light of the Creator, and to see there is meaning and purpose behind every event in our lives. We may think we believe this way, but if we ever complain or are ever sad, even for a moment, the truth is we do not. This week, we come closer to the Creator and learn the ways of the Light. We move closer to a new perspective, where we no longer view life as a random collection of events, but rather a Divine landscape where the Creator’s love plays out. This week, we move closer to the Light. 

"His miracle is just a new perception."

Vayigash is our inspiration and cosmic guide for the week. Vayigash means “to come close.” After so many years apart, Joseph and his family finally reunite. After many years of mourning, Jacob finally discovers his beloved child, Joseph, is not dead, but alive and prosperous. Joseph at last reveals himself to his brothers. “I am Joseph,” are the famous words that bring an end to all of their confusion and troubles. Until that moment, they were in anguish as to why they were experiencing such difficulties. They blamed each other for being accused of stealing and for possibly going to prison. But all of their struggles ended as soon as Joseph revealed himself, and subsequently revealed that the entire process had been designed by the Creator, Himself. Suddenly, all their questions were answered and they stopped doubting their connection with the Creator. Joseph told his brothers not to be distressed or angry with themselves, because the Creator had sent him to Egypt to save lives, and not because they had sold him. It was not they who had sent him to Egypt, but it was the Creator. Joseph’s brothers were able to change their perception on the situation and then consequently everything else around them changed. They were able now to see the Light that was inside the events, and because of this, everything became different. The same situation was no longer causing the pain it had before. A perception was changed in their minds and it allowed for all the goodness that had always been right in front of them to be released. The gates of abundance opened, at last. The brothers left Egypt to notify their father, Jacob, that Joseph was alive, and to bring him and their entire family to live in Egypt safe from the famine, and with plenitude and abundance. Jacob, Joseph’s brothers, and the entire family, reunited with Joseph in one of the most emotional and beautiful moments in all of the Torah. But nothing physical really changed, just their perception. Joseph was always alive. But now, because they were willing to see the Creator’s hand in the process, everything was freed to move and change. The truth was finally revealed.

We are all Joseph’s brothers. We panic and doubt the Creator’s hand in our lives the moment things become difficult. When things are going well, we believe easily that the Creator loves us, but if they are not, we immediately ask, “Why is this happening to me?” But when Joseph revealed himself, the brothers were able to see the larger picture, and their difficulties suddenly seemed understandable and even manageable. It is a painful perspective to believe there is no reason for our challenges in this world. Removing the Creator from our consciousness only serves to cause us grief and hopelessness. But, the truest miracle of all is when we turn the Light on in our own minds, and we change our perception of our circumstances, allowing ourselves to see the truth. If we really knew that all of our problems would eventually be solved in the end, would we ever worry today? It is a true miracle when we are able to look at the exact same situation and see and feel something entirely different. This is what spirituality is, coming closer to the truth and moving past the illusions. The miracle of life is to be able to see what has been there all along. For Joseph’s brothers, they discovered that Joseph was always there, and the Creator was about to give them everything they ever had desired. They just needed to believe it first and have the certainty it would come. We can cause ourselves pain if we stay in the dark and are only willing to see life as a series of random events with no meaning. But we have the power to change everything if we are open to moving closer to the Light and closer to the truth that the Creator is a part of every experience. In this way, the gates are open, and we are able to understand how rich and blessed we truly are. 

"Everything is born from the Creator’s love."

In your meditation this week, be open to seeing the world with a new pair of eyes. From a black and white vision where events are random and devoid of meaning, take yourself closer to the Creator and see all the colors of His truth. Turn the Light on and be open to seeing this wonderful and beautiful world. Everyone you meet, every situation you are in, and every challenge you may face is a gift from the Creator, designed just for you. Come closer to the truth that this world is built on love. We need only to ever hold on just a little bit longer, and our dreams will manifest and life will be filled with meaning. The Creator has a plan for us and it is all laid out before us. We just have to trust Him and walk down it. There is beauty all around for us to see and everything is born from the Creator’s love. In this way, with this new perspective, we can finally see the world for the first time with a new pair of eyes. We can see life for how truly wonderful it is, and because of this, we eliminate every bit of darkness, doubt, pain, and suffering from our lives. 

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