March 14, 2022
Originally recorded:
March 7, 2022
Purim is a day when we can connect to happiness – and to our superpowers! See how in this special video for kids designed to help them understand the story of Purim and build their consciousness so that they can draw the powerful energy available.
In this video, we learn about the attributes of the three main protagonists of the Purim story: Esther, Mordechai, and Daniel. We explore how to show love and kindness through our actions and words. And we get inspired to make a special costume that we can wear on Purim!
Welcome to Holidays for Kids! In this collection of videos for children ranging from ages 5-7, we focus on the major kabbalistic holidays, which Kabbalah teaches are extraordinary windows in time overflowing with energy and possibilities. This series of fun and educational videos is here to guide your little ones in discovering the incredible treasures concealed within the holidays. In each of these enchanting videos, we've created age-appropriate narratives infused with playful consciousness, as well as practical tools and activities to enhance your family's experience of the holiday. Join us on this delightfully enlightening journey, where learning and fun go hand in hand, and where every holiday becomes a chance to unlock the magic within.