Expressing Our Uniqueness
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  • Sus beneficios incluyen:
  • Únete a webinarios interactivos cada semana
  • Ve cursos completos bajo demanda
  • Disfruta descuentos en eventos, sesiones de orientación y productos*
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  • *En las sedes participantes. Hay restricciones.

Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.

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Lectura astrológica kabbalística

Aprender acerca de nuestra alma a través de una carta astral ayuda a dar más significado y un mayor entendimiento a las experiencias que enfrentamos, las personas que conocemos, el trabajo que hacemos y las bifurcaciones en el camino.

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Guía personal - Servicios del Centro de Kabbalah

Sesiones personalizadas individuales con un instructor para profundizar en el área que te interesa o apoyarte donde más lo necesitas. Las reuniones abarcan temas desde las relaciones hasta el tikún o un estudio profundo del Zóhar, todas personalizadas especialmente para ti.

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Astrological Forecast 2025: Cosmic Awakening

Expressing Our Uniqueness

Fecha de publicación: Enero 20, 2025
Fecha de grabación: Diciembre 3, 2024

Me gusta 91 Comentarios 10 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Opening our cosmic email messages
  • Historical events corresponding to the planetary movements of the next few years
  • Being part of a spiritual revolution
  • Pluto in Aquarius: liberation, freedom, uniqueness, a rise of the extreme
    • Living the best version of ourselves
    • Using our ego in a positive way
    • Making sure our voice is heard
    • Not being a prisoner of material belongings
    • Connecting to central column energy
  • Uranus in Gemini: technology, research, finding ways to space travel, telepathy
  • Workshop:
    • Committing to one spiritual task consistently this year
    • Committing to develop a unique personal ability this year
  • Saturn entering Aries: ideas of new leadership, empowering the people, ego crushing
  • Jupiter entering Cancer: wealth building, listening to our emotions and our soul, rebuilding bridges in the family
  • Our sign family and leaving our comfort zones:
    • Fire signs: learning how to be silent
    • Air signs: learning how to commit
    • Earth signs: letting go of planning
    • Water signs: developing self esteem and self love
  • The impossible can become possible
  • Restructuring of businesses, the pharmaceutical industry and education

Descripción de la clase

With great planetary movements occurring in 2025, Yael explains how we are on the brink of a spiritual revolution and that science fiction can become a reality! Discover the power of the individual and learn how every soul plays an important part in uniquely influencing the world.

Acerca de este curso

Step into the future with us as we explore the possibilities of the coming year! In a world of constant change, we are entering an exciting astrological period in which what once seemed important may no longer be relevant in our everyday lives, and the dreams you've been dreaming for a long while may finally come true. Join our gathering to uncover what awaits us, set meaningful intentions, and learn how to proactively shape our destinies. This event offers a unique opportunity to come together, share insights, and prepare for the exciting journey ahead.

Instructores del curso

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