Astrology Forecast for March 22-28, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for March 22-28, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Marzo 22, 2015
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Hi Everyone! How is the new month of Aries unfolding? Hopefully, it's giving each of us some great opportunities to stay Zen, restrict our reactivity, and share peace.

I received many inquiries from you guys about the various lunar and solar eclipses taking place this year. A solar eclipse will occur during the night of Pesach (April 4th), which is also the full moon of Aries and happens to be a blood moon this year. Another will occur during the next full moon of Libra in the fall (but we have time till that one!).

For thousands of years much ink has been spent over eclipses, both moon and sun alike. As always, the kabbalists give us very interesting insights about them. Moon eclipses are said to be difficult for "spiritual" people, whereas sun eclipses are very hard for "non-spiritual" people.

What does THAT mean?

We learn from kabbalists that the moon is the ruler of sharing people, who are willing to give of themselves, whereas the sun controls those who are more connected to their egos and personal agendas. This makes a lot of sense, since astrologically, the moon helps us relate to our deeper selves, and the sun has more to do with the boldest and most revealed part of ourselves. The moon is also considered the Earth's protector.

We are all, in fact, a mixture of awesomeness and selfishness anyway, so let's see what should be done to overcome these famous eclipses altogether!

The chart’s moon is in Aries and the rising of the chart is in its opposing sign of Libra. So, we actually receive an amazing lesson this week as a very important cosmic question is raised. Kabbalists ask, "What does it take to become a real sharing leader?"

The chart gives us very nice insights. Contrary to common belief, a leader is not a control freak—quite the opposite, in fact! A real leader has to be able to listen to his people, to be kind and democratic (Libra rising, Venus in Taurus), and has to be willing to serve others (sun, Mercury, and Chiron in the 6th house of service). More importantly, a leader has to be gifted with a good heart and bravery (sun, Uranus, moon, and Mars all in warm Aries).

This week, the cosmos is asking us to improve our leadership qualities and put them to the test. If we don't proactively test ourselves, believe me, the cosmos will test us this week for sure!

The leader of the Kabbalah Centre International, Karen Berg, is a real example and blessing for all of us. True to kabbalistic tradition, she listens to everyone, pacifies every conflict, and happens to be a real wellspring of wisdom, as well as a great warrior when needed. These are the exact qualities we can draw from the cosmos this week.

Truth be told, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to taking the lead. Our insecurities make us control freaks and prevent us from listening to others. Wondering, “What are they thinking about me?,” is totally out of the question when we lead. No leader will have a 100% rate of satisfaction unless he is a dictator! Leading also means we have to accept and handle opposition. Opposition is great because it challenges us to stretch.

In short, this week, we gain valuable insight into becoming a better, stronger version of ourselves, and expanding our views much wider than we thought we could. We also have access to an amazing Light that will help us overcome our insecurities and fears, and simply take the lead in our lives. Kabbalistically, this is the real secret to rising above any difficult astrological influence, including eclipses of all sorts!

There is only one question left: Are we brave enough to accept the challenge?

Let's go for it!

Have a fantastic week!


