Lag Ba'Omer Study Guide
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Lag Ba'Omer Study Guide

Centro de Kabbalah
Abril 30, 2018
Me gusta 4 Comentarios Compartir

The day after Pesach we entered a 49-day period known as the Counting of the Omer, a time that puts our spiritual growth to the test. This period culminates with the holiday of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot is a day in which we can connect to the totality of the Light of the Creator. However, on the 33rd day of the Omer, we are given a breath of fresh air, Lag Ba'Omer, which marks the passing of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai. All of the gates of heaven are opened during the celebration of Lag Ba'Omer; the kabbalists tell us it is one of the most influential days of the year to awaken blessings. According to Kabbalah, on the day a person leaves this world, they leave behind an imprint of the totality of their wisdom and light. Therefore, on the anniversary of Rav Shimon’s passing, the Light of the Zohar is available in its entirety to every single one of us. 

The wisdom of the Zohar was allowed to be revealed only by virtue of the unity between Rav Shimon and his students. This is one reason we all come together on Lag Ba'Omer – because unity is the key to connecting to that Light! In Kabbalah Centres around the world, students gather to make this day not just a personal experience, but a global one as well.

Below are some recommended articles and lectures we hope will inspire you and help you prepare for this powerful holiday.
