Lesson 7: The Structure of Kabbalistic Blessings
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Lesson 7: The Structure of Kabbalistic Blessings

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 12, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Agosto 1, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Kaddish: Elevating and building our vessel
  • Rav Ashlag: "When we sense clarity we disconnect from the light "
  • True Connection is based on certainty that's above logic & our feelings 
  • Ignoring our senses and relying on certainty 
  • Enjoying our clarity and then pushing it away 
  • Death is the affliction of too much Direct Light over time 
  • Kaddish is the vessel for Returning Light the person we are praying for never had when alive 
  • Overconfidence that we will always have the Light or fear that we may disconnect
  • Knowing how to connect to Direct Light but not knowing how to connect to Returning Light
  • Eloheinu is the Name of God in the frame of judgement and the 72 Name for Sweetening Judgment 
  • Pleasure as an illusion: donating our pleasure back to the Light
  • Baruch: connecting us to Binah and building a stucture 
  • Busying ourselves with the Light 
  • Melech HaOlam: Returning the Light to the "King of the World" 
  • Pushing the Light of a blessing to Binah in order to have permission to enjoy it
  • Baruch is the same letters and the word "knee": Bending our knees 
  • Opening the gate of Binah and manifesting Zeir Anpin and Malchut

Descripción de la clase

In this lesson, David focuses on showing us how we can build a vessel that can "handle" the transformative light of Shabbat. We learn the importance of certainty in the connection process of Shabbat, our reliance upon which must defy the logic of our feelings.  David continues to delineate the meaning behind the Shabbat prayers which serves as the passcodes to open the gate for what the kabbalists call Returning Light: the only fulfillment and pleasure that we can keep.

Acerca de este curso

Una de las herramientas más poderosas que podemos usar para borrar nuestro ego y eliminar el caos de nuestras vidas es Shabat. Si bien muchos de nosotros tenemos una idea de lo que puede o no ser Shabat, los kabbalistas explican que conectarse con Shabat es una parte esencial de nuestro trabajo espiritual. ¡Aprende a fortalecer tu conexión con Shabat y energiza toda tu semana!

Instructores del curso
