Lesson 8: A Journey Through the Upper Worlds
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Lesson 8: A Journey Through the Upper Worlds

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 12, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Agosto 10, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Receiving the three parts of the extra soul: Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah
  • Connecting to the female aspect and the mail aspect of the soul 
  • On Saturday we connect to the male aspect of the soul 
  • The extra soul expands our Desire to Receive: a greater capacity for Light 
  • Our Opponent's job is to get us to be satisfied with little so that our vessel shrinks
  • Picturing our future our our souls perfect keeps us open to more Light
  • Focusing on the gifts we desire to have
  • Abba & Ima (dimensions above Zeir Anpin) signify the energy of Final Redemption: Honoring our father & mother is connected to the same energy 
  • Awakening the energy of Messiah Consciousness
  • Created the worlds of Briya, Yetzirah and Asiya through the falling of Malchut of Atzilut
  • Elevating through the worlds by the end of Friday night
  • Teleporting our current self to join with its perfect self 
  • The difference between men and women's connection
  • Gaining the knowledge of the secrets of Shabbat allows us to receive more energy
  • The Amidah and the journey through the Upper Worlds
  • The Musaf of Shabbat
  • Reaching the edge of the Endless World
  • Sleeping on Shabbat according to the Ari
  • Mincha of Shabbat
  • Connecting to the Desire of Desires during the Third Meal Connection
  • The Third Meal Connection gives us the ability to mimic the Endless World
  • Intense craving allows us to receive the Light of Restriction
  • Wanting it all or being bothered by everything
  • Begging for the vessel of the Endless World: Desire of Desire
  • Running away from comfort and craving to desire everything

Descripción de la clase

In this lesson, David guides us through the specific structures of the 99 Percent Realm and how our souls navigate through the Upper Worlds throughout Shabbat. Learning about the essence of Shabbat raises our consciousness and leaves an imprint that affects our future experience of this most powerful day of the week.

Acerca de este curso

Una de las herramientas más poderosas que podemos usar para borrar nuestro ego y eliminar el caos de nuestras vidas es Shabat. Si bien muchos de nosotros tenemos una idea de lo que puede o no ser Shabat, los kabbalistas explican que conectarse con Shabat es una parte esencial de nuestro trabajo espiritual. ¡Aprende a fortalecer tu conexión con Shabat y energiza toda tu semana!

Instructores del curso
