Emor: Choosing the Process of Cleansing

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Shabbat Consciousness

Emor: Choosing the Process of Cleansing

Fecha de publicación: Enero 9, 2014
Fecha de grabación: Mayo 6, 2011

Me gusta 7 Comentarios Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • King Saul and the spirit of Samuel the Prophet
  • Choosing cleansing
  • Removing the consciousness of death

Descripción de la clase

Join Michael Berg as he explains the deep secrets behind the portion of Emor and the reading of the Haftorah that is associated with this reading. By understanding the story of King Saul and Samuel the Prophet, we gain insight into the great value of choosing spiritual growth and the process of cleansing ourselves from negativity it entails and how we can also remove the greatest form of lack, death, from the world.

Acerca de este curso

Sometimes in our spiritual process, we can go beyond logic and make a huge jump ahead. That’s the opening we’re given this week, which contains the energy of all the holiday connections throughout the year. If we can be in flow with the opportunities presented to us, we can tap into bigger leaps in our personal transformations. Leaps you may not have previously thought physically possible.

Instructores del curso
