12 Days of Aries: Day 5

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12 Days of Aries: Day 5

Kabbalah Centre
März 12, 2014
Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare Teilen

The First 12 Days of Aries are the battleground to determine the outcome of all battles that will arise during the next 12 months.
~ Rav Berg, Days of Power

Forewarned is forearmed.

The 16th century kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari) teaches that each of THE FIRST 12 DAYS OF ARIES corresponds to and directly influences each of the 12 months of the year.

For example, day one of Aries corresponds to the month of Aries, day two to Taurus, day three to Gemini, and so on. Why is this important to know? Because how you think and act on these 12 days affects the shape and future of the upcoming months.

Each of the first 12 days of Aries presents you with an opportunity to overcome whatever it is that normally blocks you from receiving the fulfillment you desire – and deserve.

How you respond to the tests of the first 12 days affects the outcome of how you will experience the coming year. In general, be as proactive as possible, and familiarize yourself with the types of challenges you'll be facing.

This guide has been created to steer you through the challenges and so you can create an incredible start to your year.

Day 5: Leo - April 5, 2014


  • Think before speaking
  • Use strength to help others, not to dominate them
  • Be more empathetic; understand others perspective
  • Be sensitive to another person's feelings
  • Don't be the center of attention

Meditate on the letters.

I will purge anger from my heart, free my soul of the burden that comes with reacting to the external. As I recall, I see that I was swayed by the darkness. I gave power to the situation instead of taking a moment to pull back, of restricting, and keeping the real power in my own hands. As I invoke this name, I realize that nothing in the physical world can cause me to react with anger.
