8 Tips for Miracle Making

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8 Tips for Miracle Making

Kabbalah Centre
Dezember 3, 2018
Gefällt mir 25 Kommentare 2 Teilen

Chanukah is considered the holiday of miracles. The story of Chanukah tells how Antiochus IV Epiphanes took Jerusalem by force, looted the Second Temple, and outlawed Judaism, provoking the Jews to rebel. When the Jewish revolt was successful, the Temple needed to be repaired, and sacred oil was needed to keep the menorah burning at night. Only one flask of oil was found, with just enough oil to burn for one day, yet it miraculously burned for eight days, allowing them enough time to produce more oil. 

“A miracle is a natural result of miraculous changes within our own nature.” ~ Rav Berg

The kabbalists teach that Chanukah is not merely a remembrance of these events, but actually a window in time in which there is an opening in the Upper Worlds and the energy of miracles pervades the entire universe. During these eight days, the same energy of miracles that enabled those momentous occasions to occur can be drawn into our own lives to help us with any challenges we may face in the coming year.

It is said that all one needs to do to tap into this energy is to light the candles at Chanukah. Through the act of bringing light into the world, darkness disappears.

To ensure that we continue to draw this energy into our lives, here are 8 tips for making miracles that are good practice, not just for Chanukah, but for any time of year! 

1. Embrace challenges.

It’s only natural that we want to avoid the obstacles and difficulties in our lives. They make us want to run the other way or find a way around them. It is important to remember that our challenges are as much a blessing as the good things in our lives. The challenges provide us with powerful opportunities to grow, learn, and ascend to a higher spiritual level. Running from our problems only takes us away from the path the Creator has laid out for us – a path that will lead us to a true, lasting connection. When we reframe the way we see our challenges, we open ourselves to allow the Light of the Creator to enter our lives and draw down miracles. 

2. Face fears head on.

Nearly all our fears stem from a lack of certainty in the Creator. We get scared when we start to doubt that the Creator has our best interests at heart. We can foster a stronger connection to the Light of the Creator by trusting that the path being laid out for us is based on exactly what our soul needs. The more we strengthen this certainty, the more we will find there is nothing to fear but fear itself. 

3. See the Light in everyone.

One of the biggest inhibitors to allowing Light into our lives is our own egos. The ego tells us that we are better or worse than other people, preventing us from seeing the spark of the Creator that exists in everyone. 

4. Share when it’s difficult.

If everything is comfortable in our spiritual work, it is often a sign that we are not really pushing ourselves to grow. We must share with others even when it’s not easy, give love even to those we can’t stand, and stay positive in the face of adversity. It is these moments, when we leave the limitations of our comfort zone, that we grow the most. 

5. Give love and kindness.

Love thy neighbor might sound like a nice message we can all agree on, but putting it into practice is a life’s work. It requires patience, acceptance, and compassion for those who are different from us. It requires forgiveness and understanding for those who have hurt us. And it requires us to love ourselves as well! 

6. Let things go.

When we harbor resentment or regret, we live in the past and allow it to negatively impact the present. Perhaps we use a past trauma as an excuse to push people away or to be untrusting, or maybe we regret our own actions to the point it makes us self-destructive, angry, and guilt-ridden. The Creator loves us unconditionally and forgives us even in our worst moments. When we practice this same unconditional love and forgiveness, we draw closer to the Creator and allow incredible miracles to enter our lives.  

7. Resist being reactive.

When we are reactive, we allow external forces to control the way we feel and behave. When we react with anger, fear, judgment, or sadness, we are taken out of the driver’s seat. On the other hand, when we are proactive, we remain in control of ourselves, which maintains a connection to the Light of the Creator. It is important that we pause, recognize that our reaction is the real enemy, realize the situation is coming from the Light, and ask the Creator for assistance in finding a proactive solution.

8. Get excited!

All things are possible through the Light of the Creator. When we have complete certainty in the Creator, we know that there is no limit to the miracles that can happen. Opening ourselves up to the endless possibilities opens a channel for the blessings to flow. The Creator is an infinite source of blessings, and there is no limit to the Light we can reveal in the world.    


Chanukah, the holiday of miracles, has the potential to fill every aspect of our lives with inspiration, excitement, and desire. It is a time when we can draw incredible miracles into our lives and the world. The more that we practice the above tips, the more we can continue to bring those miracles into our lives all year long.

As Rav Berg once said, “A miracle is a natural result of miraculous changes within our own nature.” 

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