Amazing News from Kabbalah Centre Ivory Coast

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Amazing News from Kabbalah Centre Ivory Coast

Karen Berg
Februar 22, 2012
Gefällt mir Kommentare Teilen

Dearest students of the Kabbalah Centre around the world;

It is with immense gratitude for the opportunity to share this story that I write this.

You may know that we have a Kabbalah Centre in the Ivory Coast. What you might not know is that this small and united community gathers together every week on Shabbat and participates in the spiritual connections using the tools and the streaming of the Kabbalah Centre. The power of the Zohar and the dedication of this small group has brought miracles to some of the students there, in ways that perhaps outside of the Centre seem hard to imagine, but for us not at all hard to believe. When the power of unity, effort, and commitment are applied together with the tools of kabbalah, the force of the light cannot help but be brought to bear on the darkness.

This teaches us that limitations such as distance are never an obstacle for what other place in the world can have such unity even as far away as the Ivory coast.

I hope that Dr Ahoua’s email and photos bring you as much joy as they did all of us.

With peace and unity,
God speed

Karen Berg.


Dear Teachers,

I am sending a few photos of our last shabbat mishpatim in our newly rent three-stores-building:

The photos reflect our usual shabbat. We still enjoy with great certainty and appreciation the connection with the Berg´s family during our shabbat by retelling the amazing Shabbat commentaries, as revealed by Michael Berg.

We used the blessing of that shabbat to recall the miracles we experienced in the last years. One member who was medically declared sterile, finally obtained a baby by scanning the Zohar, without using any in vitro manipulation.

Most recently, a woman who was at pain obtaining a baby, came to the Centre, experienced the Zohar. She has just given birth to twins!

Beezrat Hashem, we pray to come with a bigger group to Rosh Hashanah, and to be able to welcome Yehuda Berg. We are looking forward to having a here a public conference that will attract more people to share the Light with us.

Best wishes for Purim from Ivory Coast,


