Aries - How to Create a Miracle

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Aries - How to Create a Miracle

Karen Berg
März 22, 2012
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This week, we enter the month of Aries, the first month in the astrological calendar and according to the kabbalists, a month in which we use the strong and fiery energy that is available to create miracles.

What do I mean by "miracles”?

By definition, a miracle means something that goes beyond the confines of nature. This means that if we want something in our life to change and we want things to be different, then we need to go beyond our nature.

Essentially, the key to creating a miracle is to take the extra step when it is difficult to do so: when we are too tired to volunteer, when we don't feel like going out and being with other people, when we simply can't muster the ability to smile and be nice to someone else. But when we reach beyond our comfort zone at these times, we can also expect the universe to do the same on our behalf.

It can take less than 10 minutes of our time to change a person's life. For example, when we know someone is in despair or in depression, we can just to pick up the phone and simply say, "I was thinking of you and wanted you to know you have a friend." Such simple words, when said from our heart, can change this person’s day, month, or even year. The beauty of this action is that it can create a miracle in our own life as well, simply because we made the effort to call.

The spiritual rule is that in order to receive a blessing, we need a vessel for that blessing to rest. What this means is that we are responsible for creating a space inside us for that Light to enter. We can do this by getting our “self” out of the way, by clearing a place inside.

We can apply this idea to many areas of life. For example, people often ask me about relationships. "Why can't I find the right one?" they say. My answer to them is always: "Maybe you didn't create room for the right one.” When we are stuck, when we hold on to something or someone, or when we feel depressed, we are simply too busy with our ”self.” We didn’t create a space.

Whatever the circumstances, it is in our hands to create the change.

Particularly at this time of year where there is such hope for freedom and Light, let's take the opportunity to create a miracle—however big or small—in the cosmos. In this way, we can go to the next level of our soul, finding sincerity and real love for humanity.
