Astrology Forecast for February 20-26, 2022


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Astrology Forecast for February 20-26, 2022

Ruth Nahmias
Februar 20, 2022
Gefällt mir 24 Kommentare 6 Teilen

The astrology of February, and particularly this week, comes with a completely different energy, as the planets are harmonizing instead of clashing and moving backward in the sky. Venus is now direct, and Mercury is direct too! From February 4th to April 29th, there will be no retrograde planets in the sky! This is rare and, luckily, coincides with a period of time when Jupiter is very strongly placed in its sign of traditional rulership, Pisces.

Another win of this week in astrology is brought by Mars. The planet recently entered Capricorn, its sign of exaltation, and all this combined makes for amazing opportunities of manifestation, and more importantly, our spiritual growth.

This week’s portion regarding the tabernacle gives us an opportunity to remove chaos, pain, and suffering. At this time, we can tap into that pure 99% consciousness and the ability to control the things around us. It is also a reading during which negative consciousness is removed. Under this week’s energy, we can detach from emotion and really see why the universe required all this deep introspection from us, making it the perfect time to let go of the past. We can move from “victim” to “victor” with Uranus, the planet of radical change, which is now direct and brings an element of surprise and newness.

How we respond really matters, as the sun will make its annual conjunction with Saturn, sealing the deal on our actions. This gives us an opportunity to process the cosmic lessons we’ve learned and get our communications back in order. Mercury is now in what astrologers believe to be its actual sign of exaltation: Aquarius. In this intellectual air sign, Mercury can really focus on what it does best: looking towards the future. From this day on, things will begin to move quickly as Mercury facilitates swift movement.

All that is expected of us is to do what we can, do our part, and the Creator will do the rest. Nothing which comes to us is beyond our ability. Nothing that we can’t do is expected of us.


New Moon Parents Guide: Pisces 2022

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