Astrology Forecast for 2015

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Astrology Forecast for 2015

Yael Yardeni
Februar 1, 2015
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Hi Everyone! As we have just entered a new Gregorian year, we must take a closer look and mark some dates in our calendars. This year, 2015, will be remembered as one big roller coaster! So, fasten your seatbelts!

Let’s start with the major key points.

The tribulations of planet Mercury...

Mercury goes retrograde through all of the air signs this year. The air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, are related to inventions and imagination. There will be a great boost of interesting world innovations. New ideas will emerge with lightning speed throughout the planet and go viral at the drop of a hat! That’s the exciting part.

On a personal level, we will feel the need to trust our intuition a lot more as we find ourselves somehow able to communicate and grasp complex concepts without words.

On the other end, the retrogrades of mercury in air signs promise to be particularly annoying for transportation, computers, and global means of day-to-day communication. Stay put and re-center yourselves. Mark these dates in your calendar for 2015: January 21st to February 11th, May 19th to June 11th, and September 17th to October 9th. Definitely NO signing contracts, buying houses or important assets, etc. on these dates!

Saturn, the cosmic IRS, shifts signs this year. It entered Sagittarius on December 24th, 2014, after two years of torturing our Scorpio and Taurus friends! A big shift will be felt in our lives as Saturn in Sagittarius creates a brand new consciousness. Globally, the good news is that Saturn in Sagittarius will have a less intense effect than in Scorpio, and will pressure us a little less. However, we need to beware of the lack of responsibility!

2015 Astrology by the seasons:


This is a great time to plant seeds. January and February are set to be exciting months as Uranus square Pluto is active for that whole period. If there is a stubborn nut in your life that refuses to let go, then Sun conjunct Pluto and the nodes square on January 3rd could be just what you need! It’s a wonderful time for reinvention.


This season is a real roller coaster, with very mixed energies... so beware! There will be two eclipses–a lunar and a solar–in April. The first is a total solar eclipse on the new moon of Aries. There will be a total lunar eclipse on Passover, April 4th.

Lunar eclipses have been associated with terrorism and often painted as quite a challenging time globally by many kabbalistic astrologers throughout history. This tricky time will only last three months, thank God! On a mundane level, it has also been connected to assassinations and airline disasters. Don’t panic! Just be more conservative around that time.

The good news is that on April 20th, a grand trine (a triangle between planets) will ground and balance the cosmos until at least the end of April. We should remain cautious for the rest of the spring.


This season is globally spiritual and inspiring. It’s always magical when the two benefic planets, like Venus and Jupiter, get closer together and form a conjunction. The Venus conjunct Jupiter is pretty special and will last until July 3rd. Connections between people–new and even ones from our past–will appear all throughout the summer. Much will be understood and learned.


At this time, we are back to a more complicated zone. A second partial solar eclipse will take place during Rosh Hashanah and a total lunar eclipse will occur on September 28th, 2015, on the first day of Sukkot.

There are very few times in history during which total lunar eclipses happened two consecutive years, exactly during the cosmic window of a holiday. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Difficulties will lead to real understanding.

And now by families of signs...

The fixed signs: Taurus, Leos, Scorpios, and Aquarians are building their lives and growing stronger. It was about time! Jupiter in Leo is pushing them until beginning of August.

The mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are in for big changes and will be pushed to take responsibility in a much more serious way. No more getting away with everything with a cheeky smile!

The cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are shaken by Uranus and Pluto, and are altering their belief systems this year in a major fashion. There may be uncomfortable, but powerful changes.

All in all, 2015 will indeed be remembered as a key year in our personal history and for humankind!

Have a fantastic 2015!

To be continued...

