Astrology Forecast for December 14-20, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for December 14-20, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Dezember 14, 2014
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Hi everyone. Another great week begins! On Tuesday night we will have a terrific opportunity to connect with the hidden Light of miracles–with the "wholly-day" (as Rav Berg would call it) of Chanukah. Why call it "wholly" instead of holy? These cosmic times bring us the energy of wholeness, helping us complete our personal correction.

So, let’s examine the deal of the week…

At the start of this week the moon is in earthy and practical Virgo, and we notice a very strong presence of planets in the 6th house (the house of Virgo, actually), which is the place for service to others and community. There is also a remarkable amount of water in the cosmos, particularly in Scorpio and Pisces. The rising of the week’s chart is in Cancer, as well. The big absentee this week is the "air" element.

All this points to the energy of this week; you guessed’s all about grounding ourselves (Virgo) and peeling back the layers and illusions of "feelings" (all the water planets).

A very important topic arises here–the subject of perceptions. The truth is, every one of us has a complete different life filter. Some of us filter current events with joy and openness, some of us with disappointment, some with melancholy. There are thousands of ways we filter the Light and energy that comes to us. The issue with these filters is that they tend to make us rather self-centered: Today I am sad, so all events will be tainted that way. Where is our objectivity?

Our teacher, Karen Berg, says that if we want to feel people better and understand their needs better, we literally need to learn to make our minds blank, to shut down the filters. Our brain is like a talking machine; it analyzes, speaks, and sometimes screams. Oftentimes, we can't even hear ourselves! And by “ourselves,” I mean our TRUE selves, i.e. our souls. All this internal chatter is a real opponent and challenge to our souls!

The kabbalists explain that our body is like the temple of our souls; it’s like a house. The job we have in this life is to become more in touch with our real self, with our real work, that is, with our souls. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, our souls know everything. They know why we struggle, the lessons we need to learn in our lives, and so much more. This week, we can truly establish a connection with our inner Light. We can really open up our intuitive Light and become our more genuine selves.

So, how can we do that?

First of all, we need to silence our brains! So, this week let’s try practicing more deep breathing. Remember, there is NO air in the chart; we need to add it!

The kabbalists call our lungs "the angel wings." What a beautiful metaphor! Our lungs actually look like wings! While our heads are like overheated engines, the lungs are the organs that free us and cool off the fire. Through deep breathing we can feel better, calm down more, and become a lot more connected to our souls.

A simple exercise is to breathe when we feel angry, to just walk away and take a couple of deep breaths. Once we do, we already feel better. Why? The air is considered the balancing element of the universe or, as we call it in Kabbalah, the central column energy of the universe.

Secondly, realize that most of what we see is an illusion. We connect the dots through our (distorted) perception. So, this week, let's just attempt to seek the good everywhere we look, to perceive the Light in all things.

Combined with the powerful energy of miracles and wholeness of this week, our work will lead us to much more insight and understanding.

Much love and Light to everybody and happy “wholly” day of miracles!

