Astrology Forecast for December 6-12, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for December 6-12, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Dezember 6, 2015
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Hi Everyone! This week, we are happily entering one of the year’s highlights! The whole of this week holds a very special Light, and is under the auspicious cosmic window of Jupiter’s miracles. Kabbalistically, we call it the Holiday of Lights – Chanukah!

There’s no question, many great seeds should be planted this week, and there is no way are we going to miss this opportunity! We definitely need to dream much bigger than we usually do.

When looking at the world’s chart, we discover very interesting aspects:

Jupiter, our guardian angel this month and ruler of Sagittarius, is placed at the chart’s IC, a powerful position, since it is literally the chart’s foundation. The moon is located in soft and reflecting Libra, and planet Venus just entered psychic Scorpio. Planet Neptune makes the headlines this week, due to its powerful location – exactly at the MC, or mid-heaven, of this week’s chart, along with Chiron and the moon’s south node. My God, we are diving in deep waters here!

Let’s talk about planet Neptune, since it holds much power and insight right now. The planet entered the sign of Pisces in 2011 and will be in there until 2024. Neptune is considered “in its home” sign in Pisces. As it happens, both Neptune and Pisces are connected to the subconscious mind and the realm of the invisible. From now until 2024 is more than enough time for mankind to reach some kind of spiritual awakening!

In kabbalistic astrology, Pisces, as well as Sagittarius, are ruled by planet Jupiter, the star of this month. What does that add up to?

First, this week we are gaining a much stronger connection to our higher purpose in life (Pisces MC). Right now the universe is pushing us to look at the deeper meaning of our lives, to understand and decipher the reason behind many of our behaviors. In short, we are being psychoanalyzed by the cosmos!

You may ask, “What’s so good about that?”

The cosmos guides us toward meditation, intuitive imagery, and other methods to access other dimensions. For those lighting the candles of Chanukah (and everyone else), allow yourself to enter another state of mind simply by looking at the candle’s flame. Taking time to stop and meditate is the first step of downloading this week’s energy.

In addition, in the book of Genesis, we find a very strange verse. It says, "Man was created in ‘the image and resemblance’ of the Creator." The Zohar (Kabbalah’s main work) asks, why use two words to say the same thing? It seems totally redundant!

Kabbalists answer, man was created with two Lights, two distinct energies. The first Light is the one we reveal every day; it's the way we are right now in our lives – what we have understood, accomplished and integrated. That Light is called the "Inner Light" of a person.

The second Light is the one we are really interested in this week; it’s called the "Surrounding Light" – literally, the Light that wraps us up. This is the Light that embodies our future and our new potential self. It’s who we truly are in accordance to our souls. Since the energy of this week is all about revealing what is concealed, we need to hurry and start pushing all the cosmic buttons!

Ask yourself the following, "If I met a genie today who could grant me a wish, what would I really ask for? Who would I really want to be?" The answer will shine brighter this week than any other time of the year.

Second, as soon as we get some inspiration, or understanding about our highest potential (even if it’s not completely clear yet), let’s keep the momentum, and immediately move into action. That means “shaking” everything up, beating the piñata! Let’s make phone calls, contact people, in order to push towards our ‘Light’ potential.

The cosmos is downloading an amazing energy of miracles this week. There’s no question we need to be the recipients of it!

I would also suggest calling a friend and share your discovery with them: “I got it; I decided to expand!” That way, we can help each other in pursuing those changes. The blessing of this week is a new pair of spiritually illuminated glasses to see our best future!

Let’s hurry and tap into all the miracles!

Happy Holiday of Light!


