Astrology Forecast for February 15-21, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for February 15-21, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Februar 15, 2015
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Hi Everyone! Right now we are in the tail end of Aquarius and a new month begins on Friday; the new moon of Pisces awaits us! So, let’s take a closer look at the Piscean atmosphere we are expected to fully enter this week.

First, a little roast of our lovely friends the Pisceans! The symbol says it all: two fish swimming in opposite directions. Indeed, that sounds like controversy—the best and the worst in every human being, all at the same time! On one hand, these are the sweetest, most inspired, supportive, charming, and loving people we’ve ever met (ruled by beautiful Jupiter). Yet, sometimes they can be complete—those who end up disappearing from the face of the earth (co-ruled by elusive Neptune)!

Their (usually) big round eyes look at us with so much compassion it makes us melt...and can make us very angry sometimes! Getting a Pisces to move forward is like trying to push the ocean to one side of the planet—it just doesn’t work. Even God had to personally convince Moses to take the Hebrews out of Egypt and it took a burning bush and much negotiation!

Very wise and extremely intelligent, Pisceans are the air of the water and that adds a strong intellectual component to the water sign. Many Pisceans, in fact, have a superior IQ, but are totally clueless when it comes to life! Einstein, a Pisces, was a genius in physics but he couldn’t match his socks properly! In a way, they are a bit estranged from this world and feel a lot more comfortable in their own galaxy. They are also very creative and inventive: Dr. Seuss, the children’s book author, was a Pisces.

One of the most difficult things for them is to commit entirely to things. First, they forget their own commitments. Second, they have dual personalities: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! The Mr. Hyde side will reveal itself in secret addictions or strong pulls toward negativity. Often that side is discovered only after they die! A Kabbalah student’s grandfather passed away, who was a Pisces. At his funeral, the family saw 50 people they never saw in their lives, who pretty much looked like mobsters. That was the granddad’s “other life!”

Traditionally, Pisces is the sign of Christianity; it was called the age of Pisces. As we know, love, kindness, and charitable acts are extremely emphasized in Christianity. In the kabbalistic tradition, it is believed that Jesus was also a Pisces.

Some Pisces make great businessmen. However, they are not necessarily very honest, as they can swim in many waters. Many Pisces are also politicians because of their ability to be in two places at the same time. But that can become truly confusing!

A significant number of Pisces have real issues with money and truly feel it’s dirty, so oftentimes money won’t “stick” to them. They can also be very irresponsible with it. Yet, some choose to become great philanthropists and share it.

Letters of PiscesIn Kabbalah, the letter kuf created the Pisces and it is the only letter that reaches below the line on a ruled sheet of paper, an elevator fishing sparks out of the negativity (or klipot) that can sometimes get stuck there.

One of the greatest challenges for a Pisces is to grow a backbone. It’s ironic that the month is called Adar from Idra, meaning spine. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. All our dear Pisces friends should remember that!

This month, your great plan of attack is to:

1) Avoid denial and do not run away from conflict.
2) Genuinely care for others and do not let their problems depress you.
3) Stand up for your beliefs (have a backbone).
4) Live life without anesthetic (Pisceans are afraid to feel and suffer, so they go into denial).
5) Learn true happiness (Pisceans can become depressed).
6) Increase your desire to receive (a Piscean’s desire can be very mild).

This month, beware of sensitive Piscean body areas: feet and spine.

Chodesh tov to everyone!

To be continued…


