Astrology Forecast for January 11-17, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for January 11-17, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Januar 11, 2015
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Hi everyone! The cosmos is slowly balancing itself and inspiring us even more. This week’s chart is actually quite even, with a very strong presence of fire. Planet Mercury the communicator is already in airy Aquarius, a place where it feels very comfortable!

Venus is in the 7th house, conjunct with Mercury. This is a very nice time to inject energy into our relationships and even into seeking new partnerships… although it isn't cosmically recommended to start new things per se, as we already are in the descending phase of the moon, many seeds can indeed be planted – they will grow and develop throughout the rest of the year. The rising of the chart is about to enter the sign of Leo, and Jupiter, the expander, will indeed help everything grow!

What can we learn from this week’s energy?

First, the cosmos teaches us to reach out and invest more energy into others.

One of the particular features of the chart is that 80% of planets are in the western hemisphere, the sphere of the "other.” We first need to get the penny to drop, realizing who is the real me… Who am i? My body or my soul??

Naturally, our body’s emotions are very loud and self-centered! If we close our eyes for a minute, what do we hear? “ I am cold, I am hungry,I need something….I want to go to the Carribean…. I don’t want to work again!" Who is talking here? Definitely not our soul!! It is very rare to hear: "gosh, I need to save the world today! I haven’t shared enough, let me jump out of my comfort zone,” because these are true messages from our souls, and in most cases they are too faint to be heard!! These soul thoughts come very loud and clear, however, to kabbalists and very spiritual people, since they have trained themselves. But as for us, we still need to WORK to hear them!

At first, we will need a small transplant by injecting these thoughts voluntarily into our consciousness. That’s exactly the push the cosmos is giving us this week - the clarity that we should stretch towards the "other." And since we are still in lunar Capricorn, and this sign loves arduous work, we get an extra injection of will power to do just that!

So, practically, throughout this whole week, whenever we start listening too much to the numerous requests of our dear bodies, we should tell ourselves: "oh dear, I haven’t shared enough, let me reach out to someone quickly."

The second amazing lesson of the week is about disappointments. Disappointment is a subject often too familiar to our Capricorn friends.

It happens - we invest our Light and energy into building relationships, work, friendships, etc… and sometimes, it doesn’t seem that the seeds are growing, or worse, it turns out to be sour instead of the sweet we expected! Work situations can create misunderstandings, with results that are not what we anticipated. Our "normal"reactions to this are always quite grumpy!

I know very few people that are naturally philosophical about disappointments; we either become cold and numb, or we immediately find ourselves in victim mode!

One thing in our life is inevitable: our tikun, or correction (karma if you prefer!). We came here, without a doubt, to better and correct ourselves.

The issue is that we take this correction really, really hard! We go into the "what a mistake,” or “this is so hard" mode, and let the discouragement in. This week , the cosmos is giving us support to gain complete lightness and openess in the face of disappointments, and to really connect to our true self….i.e. our souls! What an amazing gift!

Have a beautiful week!


