Astrology Forecast for January 5 - 11, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for January 5 - 11, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Januar 5, 2014
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Hi everyone! We have just entered one of the best time zones of the year.

Our teacher, Rav Berg, always waited impatiently for the energy of this week to appear in the cosmos. Why? You have guessed it, it’s the energy of "mind over matter" and rising above all our limitations!

Let's understand better how this is playing out cosmically ….

This week's chart contains the best and the worst that we can observe in the stars! How come?

Many oppositions exist between planets, and one of the hardest is Uranus, located at the MC, and opposed to Mars, which creates a lot of unexpected events and makes a person very accident prone… so guys, beware this week when you drive, be more patient, and the adrenaline junkies amongst you should be resting this week, and not scuba diving, sky diving, or cart racing! You've been warned!

Other oppositions in this week’s chart are less problematic, but can still "bug" us; Jupiter is opposed this week to all the Capricorn planets, making it really hard work to see the blessings in everything.

Thankfully, we have already entered the lunar month of Aquarius, and this week's chart opens up with the Moon in Aquarius. The one thing we know for sure about this sign is that our Aquarian friends are very different indeed!

Aquarians are actually brilliant minds who have no connection whatsoever to day to day reality. That’s why it’s so difficult for Aquarius to work in a frame, because they literally feel stuck and imprisoned in it. Their minds soar above the mundane of day to day life.

There is a great humanitarian calling in the sign of this month. All causes are felt now like a burning fire (Aquarius is the fire of the air). And of course all of us are now bathing in this incredible unlimited, but wild, energy.

The cosmos is giving us a choice this week between two very different realities: one is obnoxious, still grumpy and heavy from all the Capricorn energy (see our blog of last week). The other reality is gigantic, open, connected to the entire world; remember, Aquarius is the water bearer, the one in charge of spreading knowledge to the universe!

So….Are we going to be affected by every day's small annoyances and petty things, and choose to be a cactus about them, or are we going to choose a different reality, and look at all the work we could do to help others grow and develop?

The choice is ours really. But if we choose the second reality, then the cosmos will provide us with many small miracles and sparks of unbelievable and unexpected knowledge (Uranus is in the 9th house of wisdom). Since the Moon (and Neptune) are in the 8th house, the domain of transformations, the shift to a better reality will be a lot easier and long lasting!

Kabbalistically, this is THE week to tap into "mind over matter," and see how our thoughts can bring about blessings for today and visions for the future.

A very simple exercise this week is to become more aware of our thoughts, and eliminate all the vampires in them. Believe it or not, we all have horror movies playing too often in our brains! Whether our vampires are fears, bad past experiences, or simply anxieties over the future, this week's energy will show us how a simple shift of mind can make them all disappear, and enlighten a much better plan for the future.

A second recommended exercise is to share one dream we have had for a while with a loved one, and have them help us to realize it!

Let's go, guys! This week, the sky is the limit!

Much love to all,

