Astrology Forecast for July 9 - 15, 2017


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Astrology Forecast for July 9 - 15, 2017

Yael Yardeni
Juli 10, 2017
Gefällt mir Kommentare Teilen

Hi everyone! I hope the new month of Cancer is inspiring all of us to work on getting rid of all our not-so-great, unwanted emotions. This week happens to be a very important and very dear one to kabbalists, especially to our beloved late teacher, Rav Berg.

Let’s take a look at this week’s chart…

What immediately catches our attention is a T-square between Jupiter, the moon, and Mars. This particular configuration requires a closer study, since it involves Mars, which is the energy—the petrol, so to speak—of the chart. Pluto (in retrograde motion) is conjuncting the moon. Therefore, we will require more depth in all we do. Care should be taken to listen closely to internal messages, to elevate our consciousness. In short, Pluto digs deep down in our psyche to find some demons, but also some diamonds!

Pluto opposes the sun to facilitate a much-needed transformation of our entire being. Phew! We knew lunar Cancer was going to be intense! The sun and Mars are also conjunct in Cancer. Bottom line: there is a lot of action in the universe this week!

A very important message of the stars concerns Pluto. In many ways, Pluto is a powerful medicine against all the behaviors and situations in our lives that are no longer necessary. It’s as if we are submitting to a process of letting go, which will enable a “new me” to emerge. The key words for Pluto are: digging deep, destruction of the old, regeneration, and healing—which all take place at the same time. Talk about a bitter pill!

In addition, as we mentioned before, Pluto currently opposes the sun. In the kabbalistic system, the sun represents our ego, our general behavior, and 65% of our tikkune (or correction). This is where most of our spiritual work really needs to be done.

The T-square plays an essential role as the provocateur, bringing a cosmic wake-up call for both individuals and the collective. It raises an essential question: where is our energy (Mars) invested? Is it invested for growth expansion (Jupiter), or is it kept within, imploding?

Mars always raises questions about health, because it questions our energy levels. Since Mars gives energy to the sun (both are conjunct), this week is our greatest opportunity to heal our lives, through deep changes of consciousness. Kabbalah explains that no illness exists in the body that does not exist in the soul first. This whole week should be dedicated to HEALING our consciousness and our emotions, then our souls.

How to handle all of this?

Since we’ve entered the month of lunar Cancer, certain behaviors reoccur. Rav Berg, our beloved teacher, always used to say, “Consciousness is everything.” We should take our spiritual evolution one step at the time. Except this week—it’s a much bigger step than usual, since the cosmos is pushing us forward.

Daily meditations are recommended this whole week, even ten minutes at a time. Meditations should include an energetic release of the behavior. For example, imagine a dark cloud leaving you, while your whole body fills with Light. Particular care should be taken to inject certainty and the glow of Light into the parts of our bodies that are weak, or aching. As we are accustomed to in Kabbalah, in visualizing, we should also include a loved one in need of healing so the energy created for ourselves has continuity.

Have a fantastic, healing week!


