Astrology Forecast for March 23-29, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for March 23-29, 2014

Yael Yardeni
März 23, 2014
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Hi Everyone! We are in our third week of Pisces, part 2! Soon, the new lunar month of Aries will be peeking over the horizon. Let's examine the great lessons of this week's chart.

First of all, we notice that this week has a very eclectic or patchwork type of energy. Pisces energy is still strong and Aries energy is becoming more prevalent in the chart, particularily as we approach the Aries lunar month. Surprisingly, a very strong Cancer energy is present this week. And…the chart opens up with a fiery Sagittarius rising! What a combo!

The strongest astrological houses this week are the 5th (creativity) and the 8th (transformation, rebirth, and money). The conclusion of all this is, in fact, very powerful.

First, right now the cosmos is putting an emphasis on conception. It is all about creating something from scratch, something that did not exist before. So, right now generating new ideas, then preparing and “cooking” them into realization is lined up cosmically for us.

Just before entering the new astrological year of Aries, the universe is preparing us to create more and bear great fruit in our lives. Remember, we are in the last month of Pisces, which we call a pregnant year!

What we need this week is to retreat—plenty of meditations, taking the time to write, and allowing our imagination and creativity to get a bit wilder. It’s an excellent week to start a new hobby, especially a creative one. Pick up something you have not touched in years, like your paints or violin, and start painting or playing again!

It’s time to devise a plan about how we are going to reinvent ourselves for the new astrological year. What do we want to express in our lives? What type of new people do we want to attract? How do we want to be perceived by those who surround us? These are the major questions to ask. In a nutshell, it’s time for a good REBOOT.

Imagine going into a more embryonic state this week and coming out the first day of Aries all newly born and fresh. After all the emotional rollercoasters, we totally need this!

The second gift of this week is about discovering what our special qualities are. So, here is a great homework assignment:

Ask three friends which qualities they find special in you. As the kabbalists often laugh about, the hunchback often does not see his own hunch! We have so many amazing traits we do not even have a clue about! The answers we get from our good friends will refill our creativity tank with plenty of Light!

The one, small downfall of this week is that many of our insecurities are likely to simultaneously float to the surface. We cannot have a clean slate without first removing what is not needed! All of us have baggage, fear, or certain things we are not proud of. Or we are simply insecure about our qualities and feeling unsure about what we can truly bring to the world. During this week’s retreat, we should dedicate some time to appreciating ourselves and recognizing our talents better, with the help of our loved ones!

Another great exercise is to recall your dreams—what did you want to be when you were younger? How did you see life then? What were your dreams? This week is a bit of a time traveling tunnel that takes us back to the seed level of our best potential. We need to use it wisely.

Finally, the last gift is about…money! Those amongst us who feel our source of sustenance is somewhat drying up, will recieve a great opening into brand new sources, with the proper meditaions. Of course, it has everything to do with our creative process. Creativity is an endless Light flowing in our minds, and that Light will help our finances get better.

My friends, CONCEIVE, CONCEIVE, CONCEIVE! There are no limits or boundaries to your inspiration!

Have a fantastic week,

