Astrology Forecast for November 2-8, 2014

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Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Astrology Forecast for November 2-8, 2014

Yael Yardeni
November 2, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope Scorpio is treating everyone decently! Clearly, a lot of spiritual work is required from us this whole month, since it is considered to be the manifestation of all the holiday energy.

This week’s chart opens up with a Taurus rising. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, and the sun are called conjunct, meaning very close to each other, whereas the moon is at the tail end of Aquarius. Thankfully, Mercury is direct, in Libra, and plenty of air is present globally in the chart.

Many great lessons are available this week. The strongest of them is related to Venus, the ruler of Libra and the attribute of the air foundation of the chart.

In the kabbalistic tradition, Scorpio comes in three shapes: the snake (doesn’t sound too good!), the scorpion, and the eagle (the highest level). The scorpion is more evolved than the snake, but it is blind. It acts on survival instincts because of its many fears. The best and the most important representation this week is the eagle.

What is the definition of an eagle? An eagle is a bird of prey, gifted with incredible sight and vision of the bigger picture. The eagle decides when and how it will interfere with what it sees. Kabbalistically, the eagle also symbolizes the archangel that carries the force of the Central Column energy, which means absolute balance. The Central Column energy is indeed, one of the most important concepts of this week.

The message here is obvious: this week, we are not to interfere unless it is absolutely clear that we should!

How often do we get involved in things that are not any of our business? Then big dramas occur when we suddenly decide we are going to save the world. How many times do we take sides without having all of our facts straight, having barely heard just one side of the story or seen only half of the picture? Drama will surely make noise and attract people's attention. But is that what we want?

This week's energy is supporting us in knowing our place and how to remain balanced in our surroundings. According to the kabbalists, the biggest gift in life is PEACE. The last word of the oral law (and of many prayers) is shalom, which means peace. All too often we lose our peaceful ways because we are hasty in our judgments, or simply because we fear our inadequacy or being rejected. We will be tested this week on our ability to stay above conflicts, just like the eagle, and to become peacemakers when possible.

Another amazing point we should understand is that all of us have serious issues trying to figure out what is essential and what is superficial in our lives. As I’ve mentioned before, it is said that Adam, the first man, was created at the new moon of Libra (Rosh Hashanah, remember?). And in a way, all of humankind is very Libra—trying to decide one way or another about life!

This month's Scorpio energy is actually renowned for giving us the ability to sacrifice ourselves for a greater good. This week a very important question will arise in our lives: What am I willing to let go of in order to grow, to transform?

Scorpio symbolizes internal growth, regeneration, recreation, and reinvention. But, as the kabbalists teach us, it always comes at a price. Let's take time this week to think and reflect on that really important question. We can never receive something new and bigger unless we let go of something first! It’s the law of the universe; we need to make space for the new.

This is a very important week in our spiritual growth, and we should take time for peace and reflection, away from drama. Perhaps, write down your vision for a stronger and better life—a life that features the eagle in you! It’s time to bring peace to our surroundings and give more of ourselves to the universe!

Have a peaceful and elevated week!

To be continued…


