Astrology Forecast for November 20-26, 2016


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Astrology Forecast for November 20-26, 2016

Yael Yardeni
November 20, 2016
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Hi everyone! We have just entered the moon’s second phase, the "waning" phase, as last Wednesday was the Super (full) Moon of Scorpio. Now, let's get ready for the darker side of the moon!

We start the week with a moon in proud Leo. Neptune (in retrograde) and the South Node are both in Pisces. Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in Sagittarius. And Venus is conjunct with dark Pluto in the house of Scorpio—that alone is a really intense feature!

It seems that this week we are getting mixed messages from the cosmos. On one hand, many planets are still in heavy and emotional water. On the other hand, the universe is trying to free itself: strong planets in fire and air, the chart’s rising is Gemini, and Mars is already in Aquarius, very close to the MC (also in Aquarius)!

What’s going on up there?

We want to be emotional, but the cosmos is trying to prevent it with deep reflections (Capricorn style) or a rebel state (Aquarius)!

The first lesson of this week is to have more care with our words. The moon in Leo is the cherry on top; it adds pride to the lot! In fact, the combo of Mercury and Saturn together in Sagittarius creates difficulties in communication—a heavy tongue, so to speak, which ends up being positive since it will prevent all the tactless speech of Sagittarius. The universe is asking us to reflect well on what we want to say and in what way we should do so. The seriousness and order of Saturn should mark every conversation we have this week. Saturn is also very karmic, so no bad karma for us!

The second lesson of the week is about Venus in conjunction with intense Pluto. Pluto represents depth, transformation, and reinvention. Giving love suddenly feels complicated, heavy, and uncomfortable; it’s a real stretch right now. However, Pluto introduces deep reflections and a better understanding of relationships in general, and how we handle them.

The Pluto-Venus conjunction reflects our need for love, and our desire to rise to the next level through it. Sometimes, this transit forces us to confront a lot of our demons, especially through relationships. This week it is critical to recognize this experience and these feelings as our own, and not project them onto others.

Other behaviors to completely avoid are possessiveness and jealousy, especially since we are in lunar Scorpio! Beware of new relationships this time around. There is potential to meet difficult, or even dangerous types of people. It’s a very bad idea to fall in love with Al Capone right now! For those of us who are single, very “karmic” attractions are likely to happen. So everybody, let’s exercise caution in relationships and love! The remedy to this transit is learning to openly give love and affection without any agenda.

Another opportunity arises with Pluto, also squaring Jupiter this week! We all need to reflect on a very important point: what actions do we want to be remembered by long after we are gone? How can we realize ourselves better and what can we transform in our lives? The position of Pluto in the eighth house is raising metaphysical questions for all of us, but it also takes us away from our routine and robotic consciousness.

So, let’s get ready for a change of direction in life and a reinvention of ourselves whose seed is being planted right now. This recreation needs to be done slowly, without fear so it will free us. Make time for meditation and contemplation. Even though the moon is in Leo, we should keep a low profile this week, because so many deep processes are occurring simultaneously.

Remember to carefully handle all communication. Just try to be as loving as you can… and that’s also work!

We can also meditate on the 72 Name #22, Yud Yud Yud, to extinguish negative energy, and replenish our soul with spiritual Light.

72 Name #22

Have an amazing (but cautious) week!


