Astrology Forecast for November 9-15, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for November 9-15, 2014

Yael Yardeni
November 9, 2014
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Hi Everyone! Last Saturday was the full moon of Scorpio, so we have just entered the second moon phase, the "descending" one. Let's get ready for the darker side of the moon!

We’ll start with a cosmic view and examine the more distant planets in our solar system: Uranus, Pluto and Neptune. As Uranus is squaring Pluto until 2015, we can expect some global waves or even political changes during the second half of the month. Throughout history, Uranus-Pluto cycles have been associated with revolutions—the implementation of new governments and political upheaval.

Oh dear! As if we had a very tranquil time until now…

The effects of Uranus (the planet of revolts, sudden upset, and surprises) and Pluto (which, brings "power games,” removal, and termination) will show us many politicians being removed from office worldwide or even military action!

Due to the very strong Scorpio influence (for instance, this week the sun, Venus and Saturn are all piled up on each other like a big cosmic sandwich in Scorpio), we can expect the emergence of unexpected candidates and a large number of women (Scorpio is a female sign) elected or appointed. In addition, Mars and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn, in the 8th house of Scorpio, and aspecting the moon in Gemini. In short, fasten your seat belts!

Thank God, Jupiter is in Leo, and is positively aspecting Uranus in Aries, (this will happen again mid February and mid July of 2015). This happens to bring a very auspicious energy that will encourage our inspiration, our creativity, and many spiritual breakthroughs. Globally, it’s also favorable for new and advanced technologies.

The cosmos is indeed pushing us towards new ideas. Global community projects promoting the collective good are given more value this week. The consciousness of a "community" is making a nice comeback. This is an excellent time to get involved in charity work and nonprofit organizations.

This second half of the month is also a time of reckoning: no nonsense in Scorpio! Wrong actions or manipulations in banking and business will surely be exposed. Expect some scandals on the way! On a personal note, we need to beware of shady contracts and promises, and make sure all legal documents are in order. This isn’t the best time to start things. The good news is this energy will bring a lot more clarity to everyone.

As we know, Scorpio is also considered THE sign of manifestation. Therefore, it is always associated in astrology with women! How come? Kabbalistically speaking, women represent the energy of manifestation, the revelation of Light, and are gifted with a natural ability to share.

We learn from our teacher Karen Berg an amazing lesson: if we want to evaluate the degree of development of a country, we must first look at the status given to women in that country. Many third world countries place women in the kitchen, or behind the curtain and that’s exactly how the country appears: great food, but a lack of development and progress!

So, what's the point of this week's energy? The only way to prevent global political disasters is by revealing the sharing side of ourselves, (i.e. the female side) more and more. Kabbalah reveals that our souls are made of both female and male energies, and this week we become more aware of these two energies. Of course, the chart opens with a moon in Gemini, to reveal the two sides of ourselves—the sharing side and the darker side! On a practical level, emphasizing the female side means being more attentive, more sharing, and better involved in lending a hand to others.

Kabbalistically, this is the secret of immortality, as this week we are also blessed with the death anniversary of an influential kabbalist, Rav Avraham Azulai, who spoke some 400 years ago about removing death. The word immortality can be translated into continuity, sharing, or paying it forward.

So, this week, we want to reflect on a very important question: What simple actions that prevent global chaos should I perpetrate so I will be remembered long after I am gone? What are they? Let’s start by engaging in positive words, generosity, and of course, community action every day! This week is the time to multiply these actions because we know they will last forever!

Have an amazing week full of good surprises!


