Astrology Forecast for October 12-18, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for October 12-18, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Oktober 13, 2014
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Hi Everyone! First of all, let me start by wishing everybody a very happy cosmic New Year!

May your year be filled with love, kindness, and a strong ability to restrict! We will need it!

So, here we are, at the tail end of the whole trail of cosmic connections and powerful opportunities. We've been through Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and now it all ends with the "wholly" days of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, as Rav Berg used to call them. We've built a new vessel on Rosh Hashanah, filled it with a great Light on Yom Kippur, and extended our ability to share and be merciful all throughout Sukkot. This week a truly new beginning awaits us, a new cycle for our lives.

Let's find out what’s cooking in the cosmos' pot this week!

The first amazing and noticeable fact is that practically the entire chart is in Libra, a world record of six planets in that sign! At the start of the week, the rising of the chart is in peaceful Taurus, while the moon just entered Gemini. The total of planets in the element of air is remarkably high—eight planets! Air is the attribute of communication, words, network, intellect, and spirit. Mars, the fuel of the zodiac is in fiery Sagittarius and warms up the air of the chart along with Jupiter in Leo.

The first great lesson of this week is about creating bridges between ourselves and others. Most of the planets this week are in the sixth astrological house, the house of service and sharing with society. And practically 75% of the chart’s energy is on the West, which represents the "other."

So far so good, right? But, of course, there's a catch: the planet of communication, Mercury, is in retrograde until October 25. And Mars is not exactly located in the most tactful of signs, Sagittarius.

What are we supposed to do with that? On one hand, we need to reach out, speak words of wisdom, extend our circle of people. On the other hand, the cosmos challenges our communication. Now, ask yourself a prickly question: how many times have people in our movie tried to tell us certain things, certain truths we really didn’t want to hear? And how many times have we become upset and grumpy just because we wanted to have our own way in that particular moment?

I don’t think we have enough fingers for that count! The cosmos is here to show us how difficult it sometimes is to get our point through and it is challenging us to do it anyway! Mercury in retrograde acts like a time machine, it places us in the past in order to alter the future.

How can we alter our communication for the better? By learning someone else's language. By first observing the way people around us speak and behave. Remember, the rising of the chart is in Taurus, which is about peace. Venus, its ruler and the ruler of the sign of Libra, is also in peaceful Libra. This week, we need to learn a better way to confront others, to find the keys to communication. For example, we cannot communicate with a Scorpio the same way we would with a Pisces. Yet, these are two water signs! With a Scorpio, it's better to be direct, while a Piscean will appreciate being handled with kid gloves.

Our teacher, Karen Berg, gave us a very strong message for this New Year: be kind, understanding, and remove judgments against others. Here is our first opportunity to try it!

The second very important lesson this week is adaptability. When we truly look at our behaviors, we will find that many of us are still set in our ways. It's definitely not a coincidence that the new cycle of this year starts with a Gemini moon. Gemini is THE most chameleon-like sign of the whole zodiac. Wherever you place them, they will blend.

We are learning that it cannot always be “our way or the highway!” This week is a real eye opener to our stubborn ways and behaviors. We need to be ready to step out of our box, in thinking, communicating, and behaving. What a fantastic way to start our New Year!

Have an amazing week of new beginnings and stretching towards the “other!”

Love and Light,

