Astrology Forecast for January 16-22, 2022


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Astrology Forecast for January 16-22, 2022

Amir Michael Rehan
Januar 16, 2022
Gefällt mir 25 Kommentare 6 Teilen

We have a very special week ahead of us.

On the evening of January 16th, we can connect to a cosmic opening called Tu B'Shvat. It is a very special day as it is the New Year of the Trees. It is customary to eat fruits as we ask to receive all of the positive energy nature has to offer: the ability to heal and overcome gravity (anything that pulls us down). We also meditate on the health of the natural world in the year to come.

This year, Tu B'Shvat coincides with the Full Moon in the sign of Cancer. It is a very strong full moon as it rules Cancer and the energy of love. No wonder it brings such energy to "mother nature," as the moon in Cancer symbolizes motherhood energy. This means that during the full moon of Tu B'Shvat, we can ask for the ability to express love and positive emotion while sharing warmth and nurturing energy. It is not easy, especially when the sun is still located in Capricorn, which can be a little bit cold and dry.

As we walk through the natural world this week, as we eat of its fruits, as we appreciate its beauty, we can ask for the ability to gain warmth in our expression and give more care and love to people through the year. We can ask for the power of positive vulnerability and to open our hearts.

There is an ancient book called the Perek Shira, which speaks of how nature sings. Sometimes we look into elements of nature and feel them as being inanimate without necessarily expressing love. However, this is a fault in our own perception caused by our own closed hearts. And it can be corrected on Tu B’Shvat as we download the flow of intuition that can capture how nature guides and supports spiritual growth. Perhaps, we can hug a tree as a small step in integrating ourselves into this huge melody of love that is the truth of nature.


New Moon Parents Guide: Aquarius 2022

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