Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2024

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Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2024

Rachel Itic
September 22, 2024
Gefällt mir 11 Kommentare 5 Teilen

This week, we have the Full Moon in Pisces, the beginning of the Last Quarter, and a series of planetary transits that invite us to reflect and adjust our goals and relationships.

The Full Moon in Pisces, which happens August 18-24, is a significant cosmic event. Pisces, the sign of dreams, intuition, and spirituality, offers us an opportunity to explore our deepest emotions. It is a good time for meditation and introspective reflection. Piscean energies tend to blur the lines between the conscious and unconscious, enabling a greater understanding of our inner motivations and spiritual desires. This Full Moon can also bring repressed emotions to the surface. We must be prepared to face these feelings with empathy and compassion, both towards ourselves and others. The emotional clarity we achieve during this phase can bring us greater inner peace and resolution of internal conflicts.

Starting August 24 and ending October 2, we enter the Last Quarter lunar phase. This is a time of liberation and reflection, ideal for taking stock of what we have already accomplished and what we still need to work on. The Last Quarter phase invites us to let go of what no longer serves us and prepare for new beginnings. The Last Quarter in Virgo offers an ideal opportunity to be thorough and judicious in our process of self-assessment. This is the perfect time to review our actions and behaviors of the year and make the necessary adjustments before the new cycle that’s coming. Rosh Hashanah is a period of reflection and setting intentions for the new year, giving us a powerful opportunity to review our actions, set new goals, and make commitments to our personal and spiritual growth. This combination of the Last Quarter and the month of Elul (Virgo) is a crucial time to apply the work of introspection done during this period.

This week, the movement of the planets also brings energies that steer our path toward reflection and transformation. Among the most important are Mercury’s and Venus’s change of sign. Mercury in Virgo encourages precision and analysis in our communication and thinking. From the 26th, when Mercury enters Libra, our communication will focus on cooperation and conflict resolution in our relationships. Venus in Libra also promotes harmony in our relationships, but the transition to Scorpio from September 23 brings greater emotional depth and a more intense focus on our personal connections.

With Mars in Cancer, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Venus entering Scorpio, there is a notable influence of water. This intensifies our emotional and spiritual sensitivity, encouraging greater introspection. This excess of water can bring greater empathy and a deep need to connect with our inner feelings and visions.

The lack of planets in earth signs can lead to a lack of practical focus. The influence of Mercury in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus is limited this week, which can make planning and resource management feel shaky. In addition, the absence of any planets in fire signs may lead to a dip in dynamic energy and motivation. This could impact our ability to initiate projects with enthusiasm and keep up passion in our actions.

What this week does have is a strong influence of the air element, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in air signs. This predominance of air promotes communication, diplomacy, and conflict resolution. Coupled with the excess of water, this is an opportunity to focus on harmonizing our relationships and emotional depth, taking advantage of the clarity and balance offered by the planets in air.

Each day this week will also be influenced by the Moon’s position in different signs:

  • Monday 23rd - Moon in Gemini: The Moon in Gemini favors communication and the exchange of ideas. It's a good time to connect with others and share thoughts.
  • Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th - Moon in Cancer: The Moon in Cancer highlights the importance of family and the home. It's a period to focus on our emotional well-being and strengthen our close relationships.
  • Friday 27th and Saturday 28th - Moon in Leo: The Moon in Leo encourages self-expression and creativity. It's a good time to show off our talents and seek recognition.
  • Sunday 29th - Moon in Virgo: The Moon in Virgo pushes us toward organization and attention to detail. It is the ideal time to review and adjust our goals and tasks, preparing for Rosh Hashanah.

The week of September 22-28 is a crucial time for introspection and adjustment. The Full Moon in Pisces and the Last Quarter in Virgo offer a powerful combination for self-examination and spiritual preparation. The solar eclipse in Libra, coinciding with Rosh Hashanah, provides a unique opportunity to set new intentions and reflect on our relationships and goals. Take advantage of this week to do focused work on your teshuvah process and to prepare the ground for a new cycle of personal and spiritual growth.

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