Becoming Enlightened

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Becoming Enlightened

Karen Berg
Juli 5, 2012
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A man from Bogota once came to me and said, “You know, I was a high-ranking member of the cartel, and I have done a lot of terrible things. I have hurt a lot of people and done things I cannot even imagine a person could do. But five years ago, I found the wisdom of Kabbalah. Five years ago, I finally left the cartel. And if you let me, I would love to come to learn and be part of The Kabbalah Centre because I understand now that if I don’t turn my life around, no one will.”

When we are conditioned to be nice and polite, it’s simple to be a “good” person, just as it is easy for us to have certainty when everything is smooth sailing. But the truth is that a person who is born with the negativity of a killer and who then turns out to be generous and kind reveals far more spiritual Light in the world than those of us who are naturally “good.” Now obviously, I am not supporting killers, but what I am saying is that the greatest amount of Light energy is revealed in transforming the negative. This is why it is important that we, instead of avoiding or running from the darkness in our lives, embrace it as an opportunity to grow.

We all have been born with the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone. Our job on Earth is to take that negative energy—that selfish desire we all have—and instead of using it to just create things for “me,” to use it to actually open a little space (it doesn’t even have to be a big space) that says: I am doing this for me and for others around me.”

This week, let’s remember that we grow by transforming our negativity into Light. We grow by climbing the ladder. We gain strength as we work our way through the pitfalls of life. We grow through our ability to look at things in our lives and instead of saying, “I have been spiritual so long; how could this happen to me?” we say, “Maybe this happened to me because of what I have done to someone else.” Yes, I know there are situations that are terribly negative that have happened—and will continue to happen—to all of us. But we must bear in mind that the greater the negativity, the greater our ability to become more evolved and more enlightened.

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