Capricorn and the Case for Losing Control (in a Good Way!)

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Capricorn and the Case for Losing Control (in a Good Way!)

Monica Berg
Dezember 26, 2022
Gefällt mir 8 Kommentare 1 Teilen

One day, the darkness said to the light: "I hear so much about you... so why can't I see all of you?" to which the light replied, "Because if you were to fully see me, you would no longer exist. And the same would be true if I were to see all of you." As a result, the two decided to remain separate but equal partners in games of shadow and light... and so was the world of forms and shapes born.

So much of life is like this little parable. The interplay of opposites plays out around us constantly–and not just in shadow and light, up and down, back and forth, and so forth. We live between the control we crave and the chaos life sometimes brings... between the wish to direct our course and the wisdom to also allow it to direct us... between the world of the senses and the unseen spiritual world.

And during this month of Capricorn (Tevet in Hebrew), the boundaries between and among these counterparts become more pronounced. We feel their edges--rough in places, clear and smooth in others.

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