Chanukah 2014: Third Candle - Creating a Spiritual Revolution

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Chanukah 2014: Third Candle - Creating a Spiritual Revolution

Karen Berg
Dezember 18, 2014
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.”
– Jim Morrison

Sometimes connecting to our inner Light requires that we be revolutionaries—not in the sense of overcoming other people or getting our way, but by simply recognizing our own Light enough to say, “I’m not going to let people step on me. I’m not going to tell people that I agree with them when I don’t. I’m not going to do things just for approval or recognition.”

Don’t get me wrong: we all have responsibilities that we need to uphold and we all want to do our utmost to share our time and energy with others. But beyond that, how often are we honest with ourselves about what our soul truly desires? How often do we do (or don’t do) certain things because we feel that if we act otherwise, people won’t like us or accept us?

This window in time called Chanukah is an opportunity for us to connect with our own truth; to continually and consciously throughout the day stop and ask the Creator: “What would You have me do? Where would You have me be in this moment?”

Simply by stopping and asking these questions, we are opening ourselves up to a new course—a course of mindfulness and love.

Tonight as we light the third candle of Chanukah, let’s meditate to have the strength to respect and listen to the Light of our soul so we can come closer to revealing its potential in this world.
